Wednesday 2 September 2009


The damage limitation exercise has begun with the pubnlishing of "all relevant" correspondence by Downing Street and the Scottish Government. It reveals, so far, that finally everyone was pleased to see al-Mehari sent back to Libya "on compassionate grounds".

It does not appear that Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of England and in charge of foreign affairs in the UK, could not prevent the return of al-Mehari. The Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond, was initially against the release of al-Mehari, but finally authorised the repatriation to Libya on "compassionate grounds". He bravely overlooked the feelings of the electorate of Lockerbie.

Gordon Brown has a lot to answer for, not only in the UK but also in the USA. I am sure that President Obama will make his feelings known in due course. There are still many unanswered questions in this saga.

In earlier articles in this Blog, I have expressed my feelings about terrorists who have unashamedly killed innocent victims. Have they not forfeited their Human Rights ? They have ended the Human Rights of their victims !!! The existence of the Death Penalty for terrorists would perhaps deter some potential terrorists. Albeit.

However, there are two key questions which require answers. Firstly, seven years after his conviction, al-Mehari had an appeal against his convction pending. This seems a long time. Why was the appeal not heard earlier ? Was he perhaps innocent ?

Secondly, it appears that al-Mehari is dying of cancer. Was he not treated while he was in prison in Scotland ? Were the doctors not aware of his terminal condition ? What does the report of all the doctors say ? Were they all in agreement that he was terminally ill ? He looked resplendant when he arrived in Tripoli, but now we see pictures of him under an oxygen mask !!! That's strange, even curious.

I am sure that tomorrow we will have another dose of explanations in this saga.

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