Wednesday 6 January 2010


Suddenly, Labour Party M.P.'s are split and the general idea is to have a secret ballot on the leadership of Gordon Brown !!! That this is against Labour Party rules does not come into the question.

Why a sudden ballot ? Are Labour M.P.s worried about their futures ? Has Gordon Brown not done the job which they have always blindly voted for ?

Why a "secret" ballot ? Do none of the Labour M.P.s have the courage to say publicly to all the voters in their constituency what they think ?

The "Labour Party Crisis" is not just a Socialist Party crisis !!! It is a National Crisis. After 13 years of Labour rule, Britain is in a sorry mess !!! Socialist M.P.s know it. They have always voted for his policies in the past, even if now they want to desert him because they feel the chill wind of an up and coming election !!!

This whole sorry mess now smells even more strongly of self interest, just like the recent expenses scandal !!!

None of these M.P.s are thinking about the national interests of the U.K. or about their constituents. They only want to save their own skins !!! In fact it is, perhaps, their last throw of the dice.

The Queen, on the advice of her Privy Counsellors, may well have some direct questions for Gordon Brown to answer when they next meet. Does he still have the means to run the country ?      

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