Monday 19 April 2010


Brown blandly talks about the solid past, which it took 13 painful years for the Socialists to create, saying simply that it will serve as a base for the future he foresees after the coming election !!!

No comments on any of the pains !!! Have all the politicians really forgotten ?

- the Billions Blair gave back to the EU and which Magaret Thatcher fought so hard to get? It's easy to buy personal popularity with taxpayers' money !
- the Billions Brown lost by selling off British Gold Reserves too early ? And he wants to be recognized as the great saviour of the Western Economy !
- the Billions of exceptional tax levied on Private Pension Funds, which as a result were destroyed. They were the envy of the world !!! Where has the money gone ? Into indexed, non-contributary pension schemes for politicians !!! What is not covered now will be covered by future taxes, but Private Pension Schemes are now in deficit !
- the Billions paid by Britain to Illegal Immigrants ?
- the lack of realistic controls concerning benefits paid to social security claimants ?

Gordon Brown does not talk about the past. He avoids all searching questions. He does not talk about the big black hole in the British Economy which is the cost of future national pensions !!! He just wants to continue spending !!!

Like a young lover he sets out to woo the electorate. He never talks about his past, he only makes glib promises to get now what he wants most !!!

One can only hope that the politicians in the opposition, like David Cameron and Nick Clegg, will attempt to expose the consequences of another hasty quick fix by Gordon Brown !!! No one can afford to listen to his soothing words. Britain is already bankrupt, and the electorate must understand the consequences of this situation !!!

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