Monday 10 September 2012


This blog does not have the benefit of insider information concerning the propositions of Mario Draghi, aimed at solving the current "refinancing difficulties" of certain EURO countries !!!

What Draghi proposes is purely "financial" !!!  It does not at all, touch on the "economic" problems of EURO countries, to be clear,  Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and above all Italy !!!

A "glib" answer would be to say that economic problems are covered by the "TREATY ON STABILITY, COORDINATION AND GOVERNANCE IN THE ECONOMIC  AND MONETARY UNION" ("Euro Treaty" to be short).  

The glib reply is that Draghi has a good solution, "short term" but which long term solves nothing on the economic front for the EUROZONE !!!  What will happen if the Economic depression in Europe (Eurozone) continues for another 5 years ? 

Italy, Spain and Greece will patiently wait for what "help" is available.  The " Draghi help" will solve none of the basic economic ills of any of these countries !!!


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