Thursday 18 October 2012


During the last few weeks there have been numerous reports of Motor Bikes in Paris which have been set on fire and destroyed.  The authorities are wondering why !!!  Really ? 

As a long time resident in Paris, I think this may be due to the increasing exasperation of Parisians. 

The fact is that there is hardly a road inside the ringroad of Paris, which is not near an official government building, where motor bikes are not parked haphazardly on pavements with complete impunity !!!  This is spite of the fact that paying parking spaces for cars have frequently been replaced to provide free parking places for motor bikes, but obvously not enough !!!  

The problem gets worse as time goes on.  Elderly pedestrians, invalids and young mothers with prams, are increasingly confronted with "machines" nonchalently left near where the owner decides is the most convenient for his own purposes !!! 

The number plates of these motor bikes often reveal that many come from communities very near Paris.  The owners do not want to use other slower means of public  transport !!!

There is also a very political reason for this problem !!!  The Mayor of Paris is Socialist, the President of France and his Government are Socialists and no one would ever dream of upsetting their electorate with unpopular legislation !!! 

To build garages for Motor Bikes would cost money and create an inconvenience for the owners: would they be prepared to pay for a parking space particularly if it is not close to where they want to get off their Bike ?  That idea could lead to riots !!!


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