Thursday 13 December 2012


The "Economic Theory" that saving Greece with repeated loans of billions of Euros, could also "save" or "prevent an attack" on the EURO, has never enticed contributors to this Blog !

The national accounts presented by Greece which enabled it, which qualified it, to adopt the EURO as its currency were completely flawed.  All the "Economic" facts were false !

Politicians in the EU "Come and Go".  No one now accepts any responsibility that Greek accounts were not "professionally" audited, but simply "adopted" !

Today, we learn that Greece has again obtained 34.3 billion Euros to comfort the slide into 2013 !!!

When finally Greek citizens decide that they can no longer bear to suffer the pain of continued EU demands to "reduce their living standards", they will perhaps march with their feet and force political changes and elections.

What Greece needs economically is a complete overhawl, a purification !   Every Greek elector knows, better than any Greek politician, or EU politician, what is really required !!!

Greece is bankrupt !!!  All EUROZONE countries will have to  "pick-up the bill" ultimately.  The sooner the better, or is there still more new hope ?  Current top EUROZONE politicians will soon "retire" anyway or will not be re-elected !  Will they "ever" accept to answer for these current problems or anything else after they are gone ?

When Greece votes to abandon the EURO and to adopt the former Drachme, EU taxpayers will finally, perhaps, be able to count the cost !!!

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