Monday 11 February 2013


The "Horsemeat in Beefburgers" scandal has hit the headlines and one sees Directors of companies all over the EU scurrying to avoid accusations of guilt.

The whole situation is reminiscent of the News of the World phone hacking scandal which was also ferociously denied.  The newspaper was later liquidated.

First of all, it is quite clear that to eat Horsemeat is not dangerous.  There are more than one thousand salespoints for Horsemeat in France with faithful customers, like my son, who enjoy eating Horsemeat !

The real problem is that Beefburgers contained Horsemeat and this was not mentioned on the labelling of the products concerned !  Some customers have definite personal and/or religious reasons for not wanting to eat Horsemeat. Jews refuse to eat porc. 

The next real problem is: "Who is responsible for this to the ultimate customer or consumer ?"  Is this not the ultimate supplier if he is responsible for the ultimate wrapping and who sells it to the shop ?  It cannot be the shopkeeper who is responsible for the labelling of packed products he resells !!! 

On the other hand if "private lable companies" impose, a description on wrappings, one can suppose that they did this fully knowing that the content of the product described was correct.

If companies buy food or goods to resell, are they not responsible for "quality controls" ?  Should they not check what they buy?  If the goods are not up to standard, do they not return them, or sue the producer ?

The real scandal is that efficient checks were not made.  Only the cost of the goods invoiced was really checked !!!  A good profit was made but Directors did not ensure that the trade description of what they were selling was right !!!  Did they do their job ?  That is the real problem !!!

They did get their bonus !!!  But are their Shareholders now really satisfied ? 


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