Sunday 17 November 2013


When there is money to fuel any sport, like advertising revenues, that sport is no longer totally independant"...!
 Everyone knows money motivates !   

When sportsmen or women, who can win monetary prizes, can be "sponsored" with retainer fees, that person is no longer "independent"... !

When there are no guarantees that National Sport Competitors are regularly submitted to medical controls by their National Organizations, its sportsmen can only become "suspect" !

When Compétitions with monetary prizes are won and when all the leading competitors are not all subjected to medical controls immediately after the event, serious questions must be raised !

These basic incidents must be covered by a "LAW" which covers the control of Competitive Sport !

A "LAW" is required on an INTERNATIONAL BASIS !  Individual Sports Organisations have already proved themselves incapable of punishing leading sport competitors adequately.

Real punishment is not just banning competitors for short periods.  Imprisonment and Financial Fines are necessary, but only available in National Courts of Law.

Not only Competitors but also Trainers and Sport Competition Organisers must be judged when they have had an overwhelming influence on events ! 

Does Sport really not want to put an end to situations like the Death of Tom Simpson in the Tour de France and now the multiple antics of Lance Armstrong ? 

 If so, just do nothing !  Carry on as at present !


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