Thursday 10 April 2014


This morning we heard the latest news on the current game of musical chairs leading to the last political appointments of the new Valls Government.
The comments on the appointment yesterday of Harlem Desir as the new "Secretary of State for EU Affairs" have  been very critical but are merited ! 

After the catastrophic Local Election results suffered by the Socialists last week, Harlem Desir as Secretary of the Socialist Party has been replaced.  After his failure there, he has now been promoted as the new Secretary of State for EU Affairs; the third in twenty-two months since the election of President Hollande !  

Is this right ?  Do two or three wrongs make a right ?  Should he not have been put out to grass, to spend some time in the political wilderness ? 

Harlem Desir himself may yet rue this appoinment !  France today is already the bad boy of the EU or the EUROZONE with its balance of payments and budget problems !   Added to this are the imminent EU Parliamentary elections on 25 May 2014 and the upsurge of the National Front (or Extreme Right) in France ! 

Harlem Desir will be replaced by Jean-Christophe Cambadelis as the Secretary of the Socialist Party and where other illustrious predecessors have been Martine Aubry and François Hollande !  


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