Thursday 4 September 2014


As the previous article pointed out (1) China and Russia have created firm political and commercial links.  China pursues aggressive policies while flouting generally accepted international principles, notably child labour laws.

The effect is that China "dumps" mass produced products in the EU, sold at prices which defy any competition !  As a result unemployment in the EU rises while growth in China knows no limits.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor is in principle against a revision of the basic principles in the EU Treaties.  This suits the boyant German Economy, even though some EU countries are suffering and the EURO is overpriced on Markets.

In the recent EU Parliamentary elections voters clearly wanted changes.  In particular they voted for;

   1)  Controled Immigration and Migration
   2)  Control of Imports from China and Asia
   3)  Proper controls of EU wide Frontiers.

If nothing is done to protect Europeans in the EU, it is clear the European "Union" will be inundated by foreigners, unwanted even in the countries where they were born !  The "Union" will collapse !

Jean-Claude Juncker must heed the message of the EU electors !  His own future depends on his performance !      
If the EU penalises China with sanctions now, it may make Putin and Russia think twice !

 (1) Read the article in this blog entitled "EU and West must also sanction China".  

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