Sunday 11 January 2015


On this day of mourning, with so many international personalities in the Paris march, the obvious question on the minds of everyone is:

"Who is financing the activities of Extreme Muslim Terrorists ?"

Someone must know something !  It is not plausible that, such an important implantation of idealistic Terrorist Cells all over the world which work for the Islamic State (ISIS), have been established without a constant flow of money and, that no one has any idea who is sponsoring these operations !

ISIS in the Middle East does get limited revenues from Petrol but this alone does not explain how it manages to acquire Military Equipment and Armaments.  Does ISIS really pay for them ?  

The countries which benignly encourage atrocities must be identified and severely sanctioned !  The fight against Terrorism can no longer be only a "religious fight of words" with feather dusters !  It must become "a total world-wide war" !

As soon as the efforts of all the countries are properly  co-ordinated it will quickly become evident who is dragging his feet and what must be done !   


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