Saturday 7 May 2016


There is one basic fear at present, which dominates all discussions in Britain, on whether Britain should stay in the EU, or vote for "Brexit" and leave the EU !  THAT fear is that Britain's pleas would be ignored if it alone felt forced to oppose proposed changes in EU Treaties. 

Debates at present weigh the "financial" effects if Britain voted to leave, but the conclusion seems to be that little would change.  EU countries need to trade with Britain and any embargoes would be self defeating for everyone.  Added to that, Britain already trades all over the World and can always rely on help from Countries in its Commonwealth.  

The real stumbling block for British voters is caused by the fact that the Brexit Referendum comes next month instead of much later !  It comes before the EU has changed as it must.  Therefore why vote to leave now ! 

The EU has really reached a point when several changes to EU Treaties must be decided rapidly, just to preserve its own future.  How can it justify the free movement people in the face of fleeing refugees, not only from the Middle East but other "hot spots" in Asia and Africa ? 

Likewise, the EU must also recognise that several small EU countries are not at all ready for all the rigorous rules larger countries like Germany, France, Italy and Austria require.  They all need time and financial help, in particular Greece. 

The EU must, and will, change.  The War against the Islamic State must and will be won.   Britain, France and the USA are already actively engaged with this objective in mind !

Voters should have been given the chance to vote afterwards to stay or to leave the EU after the changes have been made !  The best option now is to vote to stay in the EU.  It could always be another chance to vote !                                                              




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