Tuesday 10 April 2018


All current reports highlight the devastating results of the War in Syria and the use of "gasses not bullets" by the countries involved !   The sickening sights of trapped and starving civilians who seek to join the throngs of fleeing refugees to find safety abroad, is heartbreaking.

However, never is there any mention of which Countries or its Leaders will pay the cost of rebuilding Syria after the War, to permit the return of its citizens !  The Human Rights of citizens are never mentioned by either Russia or Syria ! 

After the war is over, both Putin and Bashar al Assad will certainly want to preserve at least the current frontiers of their countries.  In the case of Russia this means it will also want to keep Crimea ! 

Likewise, at the moment Organisations like UNO and NATO and the EU seem to prefer not to be involved !   And Putin and Bashar, they are fighting only to preserve their Status Quo !




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