Wednesday 20 April 2011


At present Britain has, since longer than 100 years, maintained the simple principle that in an election the candidate who has the most votes, is elected to serve his constituency. The candidate "FIRST PAST THE POST", is elected (FPTP). 

The "ALTERNATIVE VOTE" (A V) procedure lengthens the voting countdown in constituencies when no candidate has been elected, where no candidate has 50% + 1 vote !!!  The A V is taken into account, eliminates the last candidate and his A Vs are credited to other candidates until one candidate obtains 50%  + 1 vote !!!

This system gives second or third or fourth placed candidates another chance to be elected !!!

If, politically, this system is played out logically, it could easily thwart the election of a candidate placed first but without the necessary 50% of the vote.

The consequences of such situations could be a stale mate in the House of Commons !!!  This would lead to more numerous coalition governments than we have had in the last 100 years !!!

In fact, when the British voter wants a change, up to now he could get it.  In future this would be problematic.

This Blog knows what happened in France with the 4th Republic.  De Gaulle was begged to return, to take charge to avoid the numerous coalitions, and to create the 5th Republic !!!       

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