Thursday 26 May 2011


In this unending interlude before the next step is taken by the prosecution in its case against DSK, and before defence lawyers reply, speculation is rife on the final outcome of the case !!!

Speculation even concerns the future of the chief USA Procecutor, Cyrus Vance Jr.,  if he does not come out of this case unscathed !!!  All this has nothing to do with the case against DSK !!!

The socialists in France seem to have come to a firm opinion that DSK could never again become an honourable candidate in the French Presidential Election in 2012 !!!  This general conclusion suits everone.  It means all the main candidates can pursue their private ambitions, but must be selected to be the official candidate !!!  If not selected, some may nonetheless want to become independent candidates !!!.

This possibility is even still open to DSK, if he comes out of his current problems like an angel, unscathed and clean as a pin !!!  His lawyers have not yet revealed their hands. 

Something which is reprehensible is all the speculation in the press everwhere, concerning the guilt or not of DSK, of his past and of his future.  There are many rules in many countries but it is unlikely that the press anywhere will be punished for intervening in a case which is still  "sub judicae", i.e. before the court !!!  This is typically the type of case which sells, in the press, on TV and in the media in general !!!    


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