Tuesday 14 June 2011


There is something very wrong when Trade Unions in Britain can call a Wild Cat Strike, when someone somewhere has suffered a wrong !!!  Wild Cat Strikes are a scourge of normal business life.  When issues escalate it strikes at the very existence of a company !!!

Running a profitable Company means being very competitve at very step.  Shopfloor workers must work, hard, just like managers !!!  Nothing falls into their laps just like that !!!

When will Trade Unions understand, once and for all, that when a company makes losses,  it cannot expand !!!   It cannot save jobs !!!  The company may need more than just strikes or finance ?   It may need real help from its workers who are about to face  unemployment and subsequent poverty !!!

Workers must understand and Trade Unions must understand, like Management, that running a company, which is a business, needs respect, support and help !!! 

Should Trades Unions and the Prime Minister not get together to hammer out a mutual understanding which recognises each others rights ?  Which of our numerous Ministers or Parliamentarians, could undertake such a task ?

This Blog ignores what has been achieved on all these issues by American Trade Unions !!!  The impression is, however, that Unions in the USA have adopted a more responsible attitude when a company faces liquidation.

All these matters require to be discussed !!!  There is also another very important issue !!!   Should all Trade Unions not have a limited right to call an outright Strike ?
To organise this could be complicated. The basic right to strke must be preserved.

Quite right !!!  It, and all else, would be complicated !!!  The whole issue should not be viewed subjectively.  Each humble participant should see the wider picture and  ask:  What can I do to improve the life of British Citizens ?

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