Wednesday 20 March 2013


EUROZONE counteries want the assurance of a "big brother", who oversees, helps and advises, but who does not interfere in the internal affairs of a country !!!

The aims of the EUROZONE may be to create, ultimately, the USE (United States of Europe), but as one says, Rome was not built in a day !!!  Haphazardly passing laws, imposing principles (Directives) which do not fit, which cannot be applied uniformly by all the countries in the EUROZONE immediately, only creates more, new problems !

Blindly trying to "save" the EURO at all costs, is an error, certainly in the cases of Greece and Cyprus !!!   Any real financial analyst can only but agree with this statement !

Less haste = more speed, as the proverb goes. Creating the principles for a "Group" of companies or countries requires patience and the acceptation that exceptional rules are also justifiable !!!

Ultimately the "USE" will come into existence ! However, current politicians will probably not be around then, and the current principles will have been modified !!!


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