Monday 15 July 2013


It is sad to record, to repeat even, that in 1945 the EU countries were agreed that the next "WAR" would not be in Europe ! 

They were of the opinion that the next war would be in the Middle East !  Europe had suffered enough losses.

No one who had suffered, one way or the other, wanted a repeat of either the first world war or the second which ended on 8 May 1945 !

Now wars are "underway" in many midle-eastern  countries.   The issues are not very clear.  Are these religious wars lead by Islamic extremists ?  Or are these "revolts" based on socialist principles ?

Does anyone know, politicians or other leaders, what the enfranchised voters  really want ?  

That countries want more elections of a democratic nature is understandable.  However, must there be bloodshed all the time ?

Do none of the agitators want to accept Democratic Elections ?

Finally, all the "powerfull countries" stand by.  The issues are more political than anything else ! That is why no one moves !

That is "DIPLOMACY" ! 


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