Saturday 13 July 2013


A Pakistani girl aged 16, named Malaya Yousafzai, who a year ago had been shot in the head by a Taliban gunman, because she said she wanted schooling for girls, addressed the UNO Assembly yesterday and said she would not be silenced !  Education should be free for all.

She received a rousing, standing ovation from the UN Assembly after her speech in perfect English.  She had been inroduced by the Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

Since her operation she has been living in Birmingham, England.  The real questions are:

     -   Will she continue to get help from the UN even after Ban Ki Moon leaves his office end 2015 
     -   Would UNO be prepared to intervene in China and other Asiatic countries to promote schooling for children under the age of at least 14 ? 

Everyone knows that cheap goods, produced by child labour in Asia, flood into Europe and other places on a daily basis.  This creates unemployment in Europe. 

MALAYA YOUSAFZAI is fighting for the Human Rights of children !   But will UNO help or intervene in any way ?  Alas any hopes of an intervention sponsored by UNO to stop the extermination of citizens in Syria by Bachar al Assad, have already come to nothing ! 



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