Sunday 18 August 2013


In the recent past Christina Kirchner in Argentina sought support by claiming that the Falkland Islands were part of the Argentine Republic.  This regularly happens when there are elections in Argentina just to divert voters from more important problems like inflation.  Britons remember with pride the reaction of Mrs Thatcher in 1982 when the islands, 8 000 miles away from London, were invaded on the orders of President Galtieri !

Now the Spanish are "suddenly" making life difficult for Britons living in Gibraltar !  The real question is why? Is it not because Mariano Rajoy is menaced by a scandal of corruption and the Socialist opposition also has its own  scandals to cover up ?  

Diverting the attention of Spaniards from these woes is therefore a classic sport !  Rajoy even consulted Argentina !   To create six-hour traffic jams because they suddenly suspect visitors to Gibraltar are smuggling cigarettes or using "the Rock" as a tax haven or as a "Financial Paradise", is a superb idea, but evidently just a political ploy to hide the internal problems in Spain.

The real problems in Spain also stem from high unemployment (27%), a declining property market and a  banking sector which has received EUROZONE loans.  

If now British tourists can only expect traffic jams in Spain they will avoid them by simply going elsewhere !  A crumbling tourist industry would solve nothing for Spain !



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