Saturday 27 June 2015


Blatter has now admitted that he "did not" have, never had, any intention of resigning, as almost everyone thought, after hearing his announcement on June 2, 2015, just 4 days after his re-election as President !  He only wanted to put himself and his Office in the hands of the FIFA Congress.

Whatever he said (in French) completely fooled everyone, including the losing candidate in the "Election" on May 29, Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein, who has said he is prepared to stand again in an Election, if he is asked !      
Does all this mean that the Extraordinary Meeting to be held in December 2015 must either "sack him" or "confirm Blatter as President" ?   If he is confirmed he will just carry on as President !   If he is sacked, however, could a new Election take place IMMEDIATELY ?   Would he not want to stand again as a candidate ?

Perhaps the unkindest remark of all is to question openly whether Blatter has not lost his grip on what is and was going on in FIFA ?   Now at the age of 79, after 40 years service in FIFA, is he really the best man to clean up the quagmire of mess in which FIFA now finds itself ? 



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