Thursday 23 July 2015


Farmers in France will continue disrupting traffic at key points on roads after rejecting the 600 Million EUROs of proposals of the Valls Government.  Their evident reasons are that the measures change nothing to improve their economic plight !  Basically farmers want an increase of the price per kilo which slaughterhouses pay for live animals. 

The Government proposes tighter controls on purchases from abroad for restaurants in schools and  administrative departments; but otherwise it proposes nothing concrete to avoid a repetition of the same problems next year, by which time farmers will have accumulated more losses and debts with Banks !

Before the gradual multiplication of supermarket chains in the 1960's and then the creation of deep-freeze retailers in the 1970's, farmers had a normal retailer circuit to sell their goods at normally acceptable prices. 

What farmers have lost is the direct contact with their Consumers ! 

If Government proposals led to the creation of 600 local shops with a name like "MY FARM PRODUCTS" in 600 towns in France, to promote and sell local farm products in all shops in the same town, this would perhaps assuage the feelings of local farmers.  

Would this not limit abusive profit making by nation-wide chains of shops ?  This idea should not just be limited to Meat and Milk products from farms.  There are other farm products !

This could serve all farmers and probably cost much less than 600 million Euros the French Government has earmarked to solve the disruptions for this year alone !


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