Thursday 30 July 2015


The daily problems created by footloose, illegal and unwanted immigrants in Calais wanting then to go to Dover are intollerable for the résidents.

These foreigners come from all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa.  They enter "the Schengen area" i.e. the EU, mainly via the Mediterranean ports in Greece, Italy and Spain often with the help of "Professional People Carryers".  These would be Immigrants or refugees then often gravitate towards the port of Calais.

In Calais they marauder the town looking for food to survive and somewhere to sleep, all hoping to reach Dover, by hook or by crook !   Fortunately Calais does have some facilities to prevent further problems born of desperation and hunger.  

There is a limit to what is available and the huge increase in numbers this last week was not expected.  These footloose, would-be immigrants into the EU must be returned to their countries.  

Ultimately, the EU including the EUROZONE,  must  decide and act to firmly close its frontiers at all points of entry, but when will this happen ?

To make this decision is purely political.  Afterwards, at all points of entry, monitoring arrivals must become systematic in all countries of the EU.

For once two countries, France in the EUROZONE and the UK in the EU, must collaborate to conquer the same problem.  Will David Cameron and President François Hollande perhaps now be convinced they must join forces to persuade the EU to make effective Treaty changes rapidly, to limit immigration into the EU. 

Collusion between France and Britain is not unknown ! On April 8, 1904 they signed the well known "Entente Cordiale".  Since then both countries have colluded more than once to fight an enemy !

Relieving Calais of "footloose strangers" could be a Vote-catcher or Legacy for both David Cameron and François Hollande.  Their joint Leadership would also be appreciated by their citizens and those of several other countries.  Immigration has been a key feature in many National Elections in recent years !


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