Monday 6 July 2015


After the result of the Referendum in Greece yesterday, the next question now is : "Have the EUROZONE negotiators understood the message ?".

On January 25, 2015 Tsipras was elected on promises    that he would obtain a significant reduction of the total Greek debt and end the austerity, by reorganising the Greek Economy and while staying in the EUROZONE.  

During more than 5 months of "negotiations" all Tsipras has received are lessons on how to reorganise Greece !  The question of "debt relief" has been pushed aside.  

There have been many errors in the past which have culminated in the Greek Financial catastrophy in which the country now finds itself.  The EUROZONE has always refused to accept  any of the responsibility !

Now the time has come to resolve these problems.   This will probably provoke other connected changes in the EUROZONE, which will be all the better for its future !

Let us not forget that there are three other countries on the sidelines, closely watching events.  Italy, France and Spain are all facing mounting difficulties ! 

In the case of Greece, the most painless solution would seem to be a Moratorium of about 10 years after a partial write-off of  its 320 billion EUROS of debts.  This could save the faces of everyone concerned !



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