Saturday 3 October 2015


Sepp Blatter, the elected President of FIFA, said he will resign and will organise the election of the next FIFA President.   This is now scheduled to take place in February 2016.  He has also said that he would not be a candidate at that Election !

So far, so good !  However, this last week it appears that Blatter is now suspected of having knowingly permitted a FIFA Executive to profit personally, to the detriment of FIFA, while representing FIFA.  Does this change anything ?

Blatter still insists he will not resign, presumably until next February 2016 !   He has not been charged of any wrongdoing.  As he has always maintained, "HE IS CLEAN" !  He therefore considers it is his duty, as President,  to ensure the future of FIFA .... even during the last 5 months !

What will happen if he does not resign as promised, before the FIFA Presidential election ?   Can a second President of FIFA be elected ?

Surely the Swiss Prosecutor's Office now has sufficient evidence to charge Blatter and to disqualify him from remaining in his elected Office as President, but also to prohibit him from entering the Premises of FIFA !

Lawyers actively working on the case must know what can be done !



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