Friday 11 March 2016


Paula Radcliffe can be admired for her wish to make Drugged Athletes, or any other cheating competitors, repay ill gotten gains from Sport, but no one will ever repay !

By the time it has been "proved" that they did cheat, their gains will have "disappeared".   There will be no trace left of how  their ill gotten gains were finally banked !  Also should well known sportsmen also repay "Sponsors" ?

How were winnings paid ?  In cash ?  Were they first "creamed off", by Trainers and/or Administrators of Sports, before the Competitor was "rewarded" ?

Penalising Administrators of Sport and Trainers for conniving in or encouraging fraud, must be pursued by WADA.  Alas, in some countries even Political Leaders could be suspected of knowingly financing and encouraging "cheating" in Sport ! 

The list of "forbidden products" must also be updated more than just once a year, to serve ALL sports all the year round, not just when events like the Olympic Games take place.

Finally, to "catch" cheats, is the only sure method  not to test all participants systematically less than two hours before an event ?  If a National or World record is achieved, should a second test not be obligatory before it can be registered ?

What everyone really wants to know is : "Will there be foolproof and systematic testing at the RIO Olympics in August 2016 ?"  Can WADA, the World Anti Doping Agency, answer that question ?  

Not only Sports Enthusiasts but also potential "Cheats" want a clear answer to that question !   




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