Wednesday 4 May 2016


A desperate plan is being hatched by the European Commission which envisages to fine those countries which do not accept their allocated share of asylum seekers. 

A punitive fine of 250 000 Euros per allocated asylum seeker not accepted would be used to compensate other countries which have taken more than their allocated share !

Some countries voted against the Allocation System when it was adopted last year : they will certainly again express their opposition to what is being planned now for 2016, particularly if this could become the habit for future years as well ! 
Furthermore, the permission to apply Internal Frontier Controls has been extended for a further six more months.  This only concerns Germany, Austria, Sweden,  Norway and Denmark but, should it not be extended to other countries with External EU borders as well ? 

How can Terrorists be properly tracked if all EU Border controls are not watertight ?

How long can the EU last if there is no revision of EU Treaties without the total agreement of all EU Countries ?





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