Thursday 9 March 2017


Socialists have abandoned the official winner of their Primary Election, namely Benoît Hamon !

In its desperation the Socialist Leaders are fleeing to  Emanuel Macron who, according to Opinion Polls, will be in the run-off on May 7 2017 with Marine Le Pen of the National Front.

Could either of these Candidates be beaten by third favourite François Fillon of the Republican Party ?  The answer depends on how Fillon "performs" these next ten days to gather around him the support of all the Republicans ! 

Juppé declared last Monday that he would no longer stand because it was already too late to launch an effective Campaign !   As a result the Republicans no longer have a "Plan B" !

Macron will be attacked, at least by Fillon, because he was Holland's personal advisor.  Macron's objectives are too similar to those of Hollande and no one really wants another  Economic Disaster like that of the last 5 years ! 

Finally, will Marine Le Pen mellow or will she still  insist that France's problems can be cured or solved by leaving the E U or by only leaving the EUROZONE ?  

Originally, she greatly increased her support by proposing these solutions, particularly when aiming to reduce Immigration !   But, even a simple BREXIT will cost  Britain Billions : a FREXIT would certainly cost France much more !   Will anyone make a convincing estimation of the cost to defend a FREXIT ?

The Socialists and the Republicans will both try to stop Marine Le Pen, and.... each other !   The fight goes on !   


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