Friday 9 February 2018


Since the General Election on September 24, 2017 Angela Merkel has desperately tried to form a new Coalition for her CDU Party and also to keep her "job" as Chancellor of Germany which she had held since 2006 !

After all her efforts had failed her old Coalition partners, the SPD, finally accepted to negotiate again.   This has led to another Coalition agreement, but now the real questions which remain are the cost and who pays ?  

Who pays concerns not only German Electors but also EU citizens !   How will German SPD demands affect or change the way Germany votes when changes are proposed to EU rules and principles ?

The perfect example concerns the future EU policies relating to immigration into the EU.   It is probably due to the "open arms welcome" extended by Merkel to refugees in 2015, which lost the Coalition Partners more than 100 seats in the September 2017 General Election !   

Should the German President Steinmeier not have decreed a new Election instead of waiting until early March 2018 (5 months !) when the SPD party will vote, to accept or not, the conditions of the new Coalition ?   Should the German Constitution not stipulate an upper time limit (3 months ?) in such a case, to avoid "desperate" last minute negotiations !

Is it acceptable that German and EU politics have been at a standstill since September 24,  2017 !





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