Sixty years ago Human Rights were hardly ever discussed. In developed countries the laws of the land were upheld and criminals had the right to defend themselves.
Later the notion of Human Rights became an important issue in underdeveloped countries and in countries where dictators crushed all opposition with imprisonment but without trials.
I am fully in favour of Human Rights, but what really irks me is what is called "being politically correct". It seems to me that not only Politicians but other Notable People bend over backwards not only to ensure that Human Rights are preserved but also to ensure that they themselves are seen and heard !!! Alas usually the rights of criminals are preserved but the lost rights of the victims are brushed over.
My feeling is that certain criminals, by the nature of their doings, have forfeited their Human Rights and that all they deserve is the Death Penalty. I refer in particular to the following types of criminals:
- Terrorists and surviving Suicide Bombers who have haphazardly
killed innocent civilians.
- Preachers of hate who are guilty of sedition. They incite and then aid
and abet others to commit crimes.
- Murderers who have killed a second time.
Is there not a Human Right that says criminals should be punished ? The biblic principle was "An eye for an eye" ! I say bring back Capital Punishment. A public referendum on the subject would quickly reveal the true feelings of electors in the United Kingdom on this subject.