Monday, 21 December 2009


The Coldstram Guards are in the streets this Christmas with begging bowls to support the families of soldiers who have been injured or killed.

Politicians are ranting about having to repay overclaimed expenses, which in fact is a refusal to recognise theft. They have already voted themselves pay increases and enhanced pensions.

Gordon Brown has promised astronomic sums to fight climate changes, but does not have enough money for weapons for British soldiers to protect themselves.

Next week Gordon Brown's Honours List will be published to decorate the valiant efforts of political cronies who have fought for the good causes.

There will not be any politicians in the streets with begging bowls. For that we will have to wait until the date of the next election is announced.

Am I the only one who thinks that Gordon Brown has lost the plot ? Not at all !!! I think he needs a long, long holiday in a secure and quiet place to think things over.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009


This conference on climate changes has given literally hundreds of politicians from everywhere the opportunity to make themselves better known on the international scene. They have spent two weeks talking about a subject where views are diametrically opposed. Even after this conference one can wonder if anyone is really any the more wiser of what action needs to be taken by the participating countries.

African nations have already withdrawn from this United Nations conference; they know full well nothing concrete will emerge in the foreseeable future.

However, while they withdraw, hordes of other politicians are arriving in droves to be there in time for the closing ceremonies and receptions. Did you see me, they will ask their friends when they get home ?!!! Gordon Brown left England two days earlier than planned, but this blog forecast this last week. In this way he escapes more questions on the pre-election mini-budget.

Will Silvio Berlusconi make it ? The poor soul, but the less said the better !!!

At least those who can make it to Copenhagen will be able to quaff a glass of Champagne and wish each other a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The politicians never miss a trick, do they ?!!!

Monday, 7 December 2009


With our Darling's "mini budget", which will certainly have a maxi sting in the tail for anyone who is not considered a secure Socialist voter, the country can only expect the worst.

The timing of this "mini budget" is a perfect example of escapism. The recess of parliament is approaching. Gordon Brown, I bet, is more interested in the Copenhagen Conference on climate changes rather than being present to answer questions on the "mini budget" !!! Next week he will certainly be too busy to attend "Prime Minister's Question Time" !!!

So why this "mini budget" now ? Because the year-end figures have to be massaged. Because in the run-up to Christmas people are happy !!! If this "mini budget" had been planned for a later date electors might get the impression that it was an electoral ploy !!!

It's pointless to worry when nothing can stop the "Socialist Bandwagon" ! Gordon is organised and full of surprises. No one can stop him now ! His Honours List for the New Year is certainly ready and will ensure definite support in the short term future.

The Opposition in Parliament, the Conservatives, must sharpen their knives ! They must repeatedly tell the Government, and in this way make clear to the electorate, that Labour's last desperate promises and laws, will be reversed if the Tories win the election; that finally a referendum will be held over whether the U K remains in the European Union !!!

Britain is completely bankrupt, it has already lost everything. It is not the E U which will help to put the U K back on its feet. Every country in the E U is fighting for its own interests.

They all want not only the living standards the U K once had, but even a lot more !!!

Thursday, 3 December 2009


President Blatter and FIFA have not updated their rules since the "Hand of God" by Maradona which led to the elimination of England in the World Cup in Mexico in 1986. Now they are faced with the "Hand of Henry", more than 20 years later, and in the press today speculation is that Henry could face a suspension !!!

Henry should not be punished, the French national team should not be punished, and the referee should not be punished either !!!. The fault and the problem is solely the result of FIFA's inadequacy !!!

Why ??? The referee was alone and applied the rules. He saw nothing wrong !!! He did not have the help of modern technology, like referees in other sports have. (Rugby, Tennis for example !!!) Maradona was not punished, so why should Henry be punished ?

FIFA are now going to investigate !!! Why ? Have they not already realised that the absense of modern technology is responsible for these problems ? Do they need more proof ?

Television coverage will be at all the grounds where World Cup Matches are played next year. What does FIFA lack to install television replays as a basis for modern controls like in other sports ? Billions of spectators expect this !!! They also want to be able to see the proof of what is decided. In their way they want to be part of the spectacle.

Football does not need two extra referees behind the goals. Just one in the television studios. No investigation is needed, Mr Blatter. All you need is to consult the rugby unions !!!