Friday, 10 September 2010


The only thing that has happened during the last year is that FIFA is now basking in the glory of having staged the 2010 World Cup !!!

We saw the usual number of dubious refereeing decisions, but the referees never did have the right to consult instant video replays. Some of these referees will reach the official age limit and disappear, others will be quietly sidelined.

Likewise, some of the managers of countries in the World Cup have been uncerimoniously sacked because their country did not win the Cup. Sometimes refereeing decisions were not in their favour and sometimes their star players did not perform as expected. Such players can also expect to find themselves on the scrap heap !!!

The big and urgent question is: " How long will it be before FIFA or another international football association permits the use of instant video replays to help referees ? " The technology is already available !!! The members of the FIFA board need only to sneek a view of a televised rugby or tennis match, to understand why referees sometimes want instant replays.

Why do EUFA and Michel Platini not lead the way and thus show FIFA and Sepp Blatter what needs to be done !!!

Before the next Council Elections for FIFA take place, there are many people who would like to see age limits set for candidates to key posts. Likewise the total length of service for key positions should also be limited. At the present time FIFA is under-performing in this modern world !!!