The E U now finds itself in a STALEMATE situation just like in a chess game when neither party can win. In chess the game usually ends in a draw !!!
Alas, in the E U something must change before a solution can be found to current problems. The result cannot be a draw !!! These problems are numerous, fundamental and very serious, not only for the future of the E U but for all the E U MEMBER states, residents and E U taxpayers !!! For example:
The EURO is facing devaluation or bankruptcy with GREECE, IRELAND, PORTUGAL and probably SPAIN very shortly, needing serious financial aid. Will Italy and others follow or also seek financial aid to be rescued ? In the end, when the chips are really down, when politicians must, like liquidators, decide who must pay for the debts left by the former EURO politicians, none of the former E U politicians will be left !!! The E U taxpayers, almost certainly, will be the only ones left to pay for the mess !!! Some current E U leaders will be there to shoulder some very unpopular decisions !!!
Bankrupt countries will all have withdrawn from the E U and its EURO. Current political Heads of Government will have no answer and will never want to accept to be party to a fundamental review of what went wrong !!!
With respect to Immigration or Migration there is, at present, absolutely no real control of the frontiers of the E U !!! The recent "upheavals", not to say "revolutions", in arabian countries in North Africa and elsewhere, with refugees now desperate to infiltrate the EU via Lampedusa in Italy is the perfect example !!!
Now that Manuel Barroso is securely re-installed as the President of the European Commission, let us not forget that he is in favour of a policy that EU member countries should accept immigrants on a per capita ratio !!! (see the article in this blog dated 21/09/2009 - "Sangatte, the "Jungle", Barroso and all that" !!!).
President Barroso must come clean on this issue. He must state clearly if his intentions during the last two years have changed !!! The leaders of member states of the E U have a right to be up-dated on Manuel Barrosos' intentions, particularly in view of Portugal's recent Financial "Bankruptcy".
If the E U does not want to adopt a single minded attitude to the problem of immigrants, this keeps the door open. It will be exploited by footloose people who will come to benefit for all they can get without ever having paid anything in the form of contributions !!!
It will lower the living standards of all E U residents who have worked and paid taxes to raise the standard of living in the EU for the last 50 years and more. Mr. Barroso's explications of his intentions and future policies would largely influence Leaders of member states. They have to decide and then explain to their national electorate whether the continued adhesion to the E U is in the interests of their country.
The application of the principle of HUMAN RIGHTS by the Court of Human Rights overrides the rights to justice which countries like Britain have correctly applied for many years. In fact, frequently one wonders whether the criminal or the victim has the most rights ? Does leniency when sentencing habitual criminals really act as a deterrant ?
Altruistic principles are preached by people who choose to ignore totally the problem of who has to bear the cost !!! Even countries in the E U can go bankrupt !!!
None of the leaders in the E U seem to question the decisions by the Court. Is this not alarming ? Should all the Leaders in Member Countries of the E U not meet to hammer out the "limits" of what is acceptable: to define the limits of any intrusion in the judicial jurisdiction of Member Countries ?
For years the Accounts of the European Union have not received a clean Audit Certificate !!! Why ? And why is there no one who seems to worry about this unacceptable situation ? The E U is forever imposing new rules and regulations, yet does nothing to ensure a clean Audit Certificate for its own activities !!!
Who is responsible in the E U for the accounts ? European taxpayers have, as a matter of principle, the right to a clear answer on this question !!!
Once again E U politicians have floated the idea that they need an increase in their budget above what is theoretically allowed for E U member states. Like last year, the forecast increase is to be about 6% !!! WHY ?
Should European Leaders of member countries not insist that there will be no more increases in the E U budget as long as the E U accounts are not certified ? In addition should not "normal" reporting schedules and information be prepared and supplied before the Auditors sign the accounts ?
Should E U taxpayers be obliged to sign blanc cheques when accounts are not certified ?
Finally, who is responsible for Budget controls ? What is his name ? What are his qualifications for the Job ? How much does he earn ?
In the past there have been numerous "parachuted " politicians, surplus to the requirements of their country or an embarrassement for their countries, who have been "booted" into the E U !!! Is this necessary ? These "SUPER POLITICIANS" are highly remunerated and directly paid out of E U funds. Therefore the taxpayer ultimately pays the cost !!!
Is there no definition of, or limitation of, top jobs which are only available to candidates who have been elected ? Something seems to be wrong somewhere !!!
THE ULTIMATE CONSEQUENCES FOR THE E U !!! If things go on as at present, if the politicians in place in the E U at present do nothing to change matters, if no one really cares a damn, there will be some unilateral decisions by National Leaders to withdraw from the E U. Not only from the E U but other uncontrollable organisations. In this way countries will be able to recover their independence !!!
Alas, in the E U something must change before a solution can be found to current problems. The result cannot be a draw !!! These problems are numerous, fundamental and very serious, not only for the future of the E U but for all the E U MEMBER states, residents and E U taxpayers !!! For example:
The EURO is facing devaluation or bankruptcy with GREECE, IRELAND, PORTUGAL and probably SPAIN very shortly, needing serious financial aid. Will Italy and others follow or also seek financial aid to be rescued ? In the end, when the chips are really down, when politicians must, like liquidators, decide who must pay for the debts left by the former EURO politicians, none of the former E U politicians will be left !!! The E U taxpayers, almost certainly, will be the only ones left to pay for the mess !!! Some current E U leaders will be there to shoulder some very unpopular decisions !!!
Bankrupt countries will all have withdrawn from the E U and its EURO. Current political Heads of Government will have no answer and will never want to accept to be party to a fundamental review of what went wrong !!!
With respect to Immigration or Migration there is, at present, absolutely no real control of the frontiers of the E U !!! The recent "upheavals", not to say "revolutions", in arabian countries in North Africa and elsewhere, with refugees now desperate to infiltrate the EU via Lampedusa in Italy is the perfect example !!!
Now that Manuel Barroso is securely re-installed as the President of the European Commission, let us not forget that he is in favour of a policy that EU member countries should accept immigrants on a per capita ratio !!! (see the article in this blog dated 21/09/2009 - "Sangatte, the "Jungle", Barroso and all that" !!!).
President Barroso must come clean on this issue. He must state clearly if his intentions during the last two years have changed !!! The leaders of member states of the E U have a right to be up-dated on Manuel Barrosos' intentions, particularly in view of Portugal's recent Financial "Bankruptcy".
If the E U does not want to adopt a single minded attitude to the problem of immigrants, this keeps the door open. It will be exploited by footloose people who will come to benefit for all they can get without ever having paid anything in the form of contributions !!!
It will lower the living standards of all E U residents who have worked and paid taxes to raise the standard of living in the EU for the last 50 years and more. Mr. Barroso's explications of his intentions and future policies would largely influence Leaders of member states. They have to decide and then explain to their national electorate whether the continued adhesion to the E U is in the interests of their country.
The application of the principle of HUMAN RIGHTS by the Court of Human Rights overrides the rights to justice which countries like Britain have correctly applied for many years. In fact, frequently one wonders whether the criminal or the victim has the most rights ? Does leniency when sentencing habitual criminals really act as a deterrant ?
Altruistic principles are preached by people who choose to ignore totally the problem of who has to bear the cost !!! Even countries in the E U can go bankrupt !!!
None of the leaders in the E U seem to question the decisions by the Court. Is this not alarming ? Should all the Leaders in Member Countries of the E U not meet to hammer out the "limits" of what is acceptable: to define the limits of any intrusion in the judicial jurisdiction of Member Countries ?
For years the Accounts of the European Union have not received a clean Audit Certificate !!! Why ? And why is there no one who seems to worry about this unacceptable situation ? The E U is forever imposing new rules and regulations, yet does nothing to ensure a clean Audit Certificate for its own activities !!!
Who is responsible in the E U for the accounts ? European taxpayers have, as a matter of principle, the right to a clear answer on this question !!!
Once again E U politicians have floated the idea that they need an increase in their budget above what is theoretically allowed for E U member states. Like last year, the forecast increase is to be about 6% !!! WHY ?
Should European Leaders of member countries not insist that there will be no more increases in the E U budget as long as the E U accounts are not certified ? In addition should not "normal" reporting schedules and information be prepared and supplied before the Auditors sign the accounts ?
Should E U taxpayers be obliged to sign blanc cheques when accounts are not certified ?
Finally, who is responsible for Budget controls ? What is his name ? What are his qualifications for the Job ? How much does he earn ?
In the past there have been numerous "parachuted " politicians, surplus to the requirements of their country or an embarrassement for their countries, who have been "booted" into the E U !!! Is this necessary ? These "SUPER POLITICIANS" are highly remunerated and directly paid out of E U funds. Therefore the taxpayer ultimately pays the cost !!!
Is there no definition of, or limitation of, top jobs which are only available to candidates who have been elected ? Something seems to be wrong somewhere !!!
THE ULTIMATE CONSEQUENCES FOR THE E U !!! If things go on as at present, if the politicians in place in the E U at present do nothing to change matters, if no one really cares a damn, there will be some unilateral decisions by National Leaders to withdraw from the E U. Not only from the E U but other uncontrollable organisations. In this way countries will be able to recover their independence !!!