In accordance with the rules of the Banana Republic of FIFA, the re-election of the current President of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, must take place as planned on Wednesday June 1, 2011 !!! This takes into account the result of the hearing of the ETHICS COMMITTEE as a result of which Bin Hamamm, the only other candidate standing against Sepp Blatter was disqualified .
Within much less than 48 hours the Ethics Committee had heard all the evidence required to condemn Bin Hamamm, others as well, from all football activities, but Sepp Blatter got away Scot free !!!
So the FIFA Presidential election must take place as planned. This was explained by Jerôme Valcke, the French born FIFA general secretary.
If the Banana Republic of FIFA really does apply its law does that mean all votes cast will be counted ? After all, there will be votes for the sole candidate, but will there not also be votes against him ? These votes must be counted, and the result of all votes cast (there are 206 members of FIFA) should be announced !!! The simple visual mass show of hands to judge the winner must be avoided. However, the names of all who voted and how, should be made available. This will make clear the feelings of all the delegates.
Whatever may happen in the voting, there is also another verity which will reveal itself during the weeks to come !!! Refugees flee intolerant administrations !!! Would some countries not opt for such a solution to restore some common sense in football ? Will there not be a breakaway movement ?
Finally, is there a legal system in Switzerland, besides that which FIFA applies ? Does FIFA have auditors ?
This Blog would love to scrutinise the Auditors Report and the Acoounts !!!