The selection procedure, to determine who will ultimately be sponsored by the Socialist Party to be its official candidate in the 2012 French Presidential Election, began last night on the television. There were 5 million avid viewers.
The following six people are candidates:
1) François Hollande (aged 57)
2) Martine Aubry (aged 61)
3) Ségolène Royal (aged 58)
4) Arnaud Montebourg (aged 49)
5) Manuel Valls (aged 49)
6) Jean-Michel Baylet (aged 65)
It should be noted that the former leading favourite to become the official candidate of the Socialist Party, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) is missing from the above list. Even though all criminal charges against him of attempted rape in New York have been dropped, his ongoing legal problems have definitely ended his Presidential hopes.
On the television last night his name was only referred to once, but on the other hand every candidate had a least one vehement reproach for Nicholas Sarkozy, the outgoing President. Each candidate made sure that voters understood that he must be replaced by a Socialist !!!
Replaced by a Socialist is the key message, because there is another party, The National Front, led by Marine Le Pen. She has had very competitive opinion poll ratings which remind the Socialists of what happened in 2002 when her father Jean-Marie Le Pen unexpectedly beat the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. However Jacques Chirac was re-elected for a second term.
There are no really creditable Opinion Polls of the popularity of the candidates available at present. The order of the candidates listed above reflects an impartial impression. To be more precise Hollande 35%, Aubry 30%, Royal 25% and 10% for the last three candidates.
The real political debates will now start in earnest, they will be heated and feathers will fly !!! Mistakes will be made which always happens in all elections !!! There could even be some stabs in the back or some horsetrading. Sarkozy will be murdered on the way, but he will not die !!!
He will probably be waiting to confront the winner, perhaps even to murder him by being re-elected !!!
On October 9 voting will take place and four candidates will be eliminated. One week later, on October 16 a run-off will take place to determine the name of the Official Socialist candidate.