As a Briton, born, bred and educated in England, it is necessary now and again to confront the current options of the British Government (and the Governments of other countries), with some economic truths ?
In the 1920's, after Germany had lost the first world war, when the country was economically in a state of meltdown, financial ruin, Hitler rose to power. He got the wheels of industry turning, partly, by building Motorways, which became the admiration and envy of many other countries.
When there is a depression, when the wheels of industry are not turning, should a government anywhere increase taxes and the costs of living ? Reduce benefits to make cost savings ?
Is the real alternative not to create more jobs by more Capital spending like building Motorways, Railways, Hospitals in the regions outside main towns, new purpose-built Prisons in outlying areas instead of inside big cities and towns and why not, Nuclear Power plants ? Is this not also the opportunity to encourage the decentralisation of certain Government departments ?
In this Computor Age, must everything be concentrated in London ? To reduce endemic unemployment should governments not dangle a carrot to industrialists who want to expand ?
In this way governments could reduce unemployment benefits and restore the hopes and aspirations of the neglected members of our society !!! That is what they all really want, not to be dependent on Social Handouts.