With a regularity that defies comprehension, the EU regularly faces criticism over laws that have been passed by it in the past but which have been abused to such an extent that a crisis point has been reached.
Examples of EU laws passed and which are never "professionally" audited are Illegal Immigrants, internal EU Turnover Tax (sales tax, added value tax, etc), Customs Tax on Imports into the EU from Asia and elsewhere, etc; etc .
Passing laws has become an EU "Sport" !!! Politicians are seen to act ! Bravo, but they are nowhere to be seen when scandales erupt !!! No one wants to be involved, not even the President of the EU Commission, Mr. Manual Barroso !!!
As for updating long standing "treaties" like the Human Rights act or the EU Treaties that bind all the EU countries, or the limitation of Duties of the European Court of Justice, those considerations are well beyond the horizons of the mortals now governing the EU !!!
The EUROZONE has created its own problems, but EU problems must be tacled. David Cameron is the fly in the ointment at present !!! He wants changes because he does not want Britain and other EU countries either, to pay for unaudited and unjustified expenses in the EU !!! The current situation just cannot go on !!!