"Very Important Persons" everywhere, not only in Europe or North America, seem to escape criminal proceedings because of the people they "know" ! They cause embarrassement, even many years later, when the truth of their hidden guilt is discovered and published in the Press.
These "criminals" are frequently well known people, who have served at Ministerial level in Governments, but who have a hidden criminal past stretching over many years, which often concerns improper sexual relations with children, women or men ! Likewise, the illegal acquisition of wealth is another problem !
It is when such matters are first "discovered" that the embarrassement starts ! Prime Ministers or Presidents do not want to lose face with voters and would prefer "not to act" ! Likewise, a Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) does not want to create a "political problem" and prefers to talk discreetly to his "Superiors" and thus safeguard his job. Are the accusations backed by proof ?
Sometimes the quick solution is to "promote" such a person away from the centre of action ! In Britain this sometimes results in "kicking him upstairs to the House of Lords" ! All countries have their methods !
In this way Victims are denied any sort of justice ! They are even prevented from reporting such incidents. This is obviously wrong ! What is even worse is that any abuse could continue !
One must also take into account the invidious position, in which Prime Ministers and DPP's and informers could find themselves ! They need secure system which guarantees Justice.
Should the equivalent of a Lord Chief Justice not be made responsible to name a Tribunal of Judges to hear all the evidence available, at a secret hearing behind closed doors ? If the Tribunal decides that there is enough evidence for a Prosecution, this would then be ordered to take place.
"V I P's" are not above the Law ! If this procedure is introduced, they will know before their misdeed that they run the risk of being caught but also, that no one can, or will want to, help them !