Friday, 30 October 2015


L'envoi par lettre recommandée, avec demande d'avis de réception, des convocations aux assemblées générales, des notifications de procès verbaux d'assemblées générales et de mise en demeure, génèrent  des coûts importants (frais de photocopie et d'affranchissement). 
 Désormais, le syndic pourra également adresser ces documents par courrier électronique aux copropriétaires qui  donneront leur accord exprès lors de la prochaine Assemblée générale. 
A défaut, le copropriétaire peut communiquer son accord au syndic par lettre recommandée avec demande d'avis de réception, ou par lettre recommandée électronique.
Le recours à la télécopie est supprimé (décret n° 2015-1325 du 21 octobre 2015, JO du 23).
A noter que les frais de photocopie sont inclus dans le forfait de base des nouveaux contrats de syndic. Le syndic réduira-t-il le montant de ses honoraires de base pour tenir compte de la diminution du nombre de photocopies engendré par l'utilisation du courrier électronique ?


In the next FIFA Presidential Election, the logical first step should/must be to ban any FIFA executive who is "indicted"  or "suspended", from  voting.  This Election is scheduled to be held on February 26, 2016.

At present there are 8 candidates standing for election, including Platini who is currently suspended.  There will probably be less after all the credentials have been verified and after some candidates withdraw in favour of another better placed candidate !

What is the main reason why candidates want to be elected  President of FIFA ?  Is it to promote or protect the interests of his country ?   Or is it to help reform the FIFA Organisation ?

In current circumstances what is really necessary is an impartial "Management Committee" to review all facets of the FIFA operations.  To do this properly, the help of outside Management Experts would probably be required.  This implies that the next FIFA President should perhaps be limited to only conducting normal current events and normal business problems, not reorganisational matters.

Is FIFA now not at the point where the new principle is "out with the old and in with the new FIFA Organisation" ?

Experienced old servants have failed FIFA !  At all costs, keep them out of the "New FIFA" !



Thursday, 29 October 2015


Blatter's admission yesterday that the choice of Russia, as Hosts for the 2018 World Football Cup Finals, was fixed before the actual vote took place, is just another reason why FIFA must quickly get a new, younger team of Head Office managers.  

Blatter has always maintained "I AM CLEAN !".   After yesterday's admission all his previous denials need to be re-examined.

He himself may not have received any "remuneration" for what was decided but other executives in FIFA did.  Blatter however was certain that the votes cast for the 2018 Hosts, would eliminate all candidates countries except Russia.  They may yet sue FIFA !

However, there is one matter which Blatter will have to explain.

Blatter asked Michael Garcia to review and report on FIFA operations.  Why did Blatter never want to make public the 350 page Garcia Report ?  Instead Blatter preferred the 40 page summary produced by Eckert, which absolved the FIFA Executive of any wrongdoing.  Garcia immediately resigned !

Since then several FIFA Executives have been indicted by the USA Attorney General.

The Swiss Attorney General will be following the whole situation closely.   Blatter and FIFA have destroyed the good reputation of Football everywhere !  The story of Blatter and FIFA does not enhance the reputation of the Swiss Legal System either.  It would seem "anything goes and is legal" !

Directors and Presidents are only CLEAN when they have protected their companies from Fraud and Loss.   Pretending not know what is going on, and then doing nothing to stop illegal enrichment, is aiding and abetting crime. 

In many countries that is a criminal offence !


Wednesday, 28 October 2015





Monday, 26 October 2015


A key mini-Summit of the Leaders of 10 EU Countries and 3 other Countries took place yesterday in Brussels.  Alas Turkey did not participate in the meeting because of a General Election next Sunday, November 1 !  

All Countries are directly affected by the turmoil created by desperate refugees, who are fleeing the oppression wreaked by the Islamic State in the Middle East, but no fundamental decisions or solutions were agreed ! 

The endless arrival of countless "Migrants", which includes the refugees from the Middle East, has raised alarm bells!  It led to the sudden decision to increase the capacity of reception centers to handle arrivals, by 100 000 before the end of 2015 !  Greece will increase its capacity by 30 000, but is this enough ?  Recently, during one week, 9 000 Migrants arrived in Greece every day !

As this Blog pointed out (1) more than a month ago, Winter is coming and temperatures of -20 and -30 can be expected in Europe.   Will Migrants not prefer to stay in Southern Europe instead of fleeing to the bitter North ?  This would be a new problem !

To be very blunt, a way must be found to stop the arrival of   Refugees !   Should the West, with feet on the ground, not join Putin and Russia to crush the continual attacks by the Islamic State ?  It slaughters non-believers and destroys everything in its path !  

Do Western political Leaders really find this acceptable ? 

(1)  Read : "How many new immigrants in 2016 ?".


Sunday, 25 October 2015


The Islamic State is imposing an extreme interpretation of religious Muslim principles on citizens of countries in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria.   The non-acceptance of these principles by any Muslim or non Muslim results in death if these non-believers do not quickly flee ! 

The immediate result has been a desperation to leave any country where the Islamic State (IS) wants to establish itself.  Refugees have fled in millions to countries like Turkey and Western Europe !

What are World Leaders doing to stop the genocide in the Middle East and to uphold the Human Rights principles of the United Nations Charter ?  What is UNO doing other than "pontificating" ?

Putin in Russia has led the way.  Russia has "feet on the ground" in Syria and also Armaments and Aircraft, not to speak of a few ships in Syrian ports.  Russia is actively attacking in the Middle East but only to defend Syria and Bachar al Assad.

Britain and the USA have unarmed "advisors" in the Middle East and attack IS positions with Drones.  

France also has advisors there but it bombs key IS positions.   

The EU led by Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, accepts war refugees driven out of the Middle East but is now desperately trying to close EU frontiers to stop the invasion of the EU by Refugees from other "war zones" like Afghanistan or Pakistan.   Giving temporary "refuge" is a normal Human Right,  but additionally "granting the right to immigrate" is something else. 

What is lacking is international cohesion which will lead to the end of hostilities in the Middle East.  All the Great Powers, the USA, Britain, France and the EU, but also NATO and Russia, must stop hesitating and decide a joint plan of action to end this destructive Middle East War !

Afterwards refugees will be able to return, to rebuild and modernise their countries, perhaps with Western help but also with revenues from oil and gas !    

Does no one remember the hesitation before Churchill declared war in 1939 ?


Thursday, 22 October 2015


The next Presidential Election in France will be in May 2017 at the latest, but already speculation is rife about who could become the next President. 

 In a sample of opinions by Elabe for BFM TV, Juppé is considered to be a good potential candidate by 52% of the French voters. 

This compares with 37% for Marine Le Pen, 36% for Bayrou, 35% for Prime Minister Valls.  Only 28% of French people want Sarkozy to be a candidate and only 19% want President  Hollande to stand again !   These figures accurately reflect how the French see the political situation at present.

President Hollande clearly wants to have the chance to serve a second term in office.  For quite some time he seems to be here, there and everywhere, representing France or making speeches.   

Alas, all is not milk and honey !  There are manifestations and marches all over France against current policies and the lack of means.


Tuesday, 20 October 2015


German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a swift visit to Turkey yesterday meet President Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the problem of 2 million Middle East refugees who have sought shelter in his country. 

After the visit , the Turkish Prime Minister vehemently denied  that a deal had been concluded.  Speculation at present is rife that such a deal may have included a promise to "fast track" Turkey's entry into the EU.

Merkel is certainly anxious that the intensification of the war against the Extreme Islamic State could force more refugees to seek shelter in the EU and Turkey.  Although she welcomed 800 thousand with open arms to Germany, speculation now is that more than 1.5 million could head for Germany and the EU, asd well as more to Turkey and other countries.

Officially, no deal has been concluded after their talks.  However, after such a swift and urgent visit, it is hard to believe that they were only whispering sweet nothings !  The fact that everything is being denied is certainly due to the General Election in Turkey in two weeks time !

What Electors in the EU would like to know is whether Merkel had the approbation of the Council of Ministers to strike a "deal" with Erdogan.  Merkel wants other countries in the EU to share the burden of the unexpected tide of refugees she invited, but do they not have a right to participate in the decision making ?

There are countries which have reservations about Turkey becoming a Partner in the EU. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015


Any Western Observer of International Diplomacy must have noticed that Putin does not have the "humbug" of having to consult Allies when he wants to act.  He is the Leader of a Totalitarian country, like all his predecessors since the 1917 Russian Revolution.

He regularly finds an appropriate excuse to do what he wants and thinks fit.  He avoids any international objections, particularly from the United Nations (UNO).  He and Russia have been "sanctioned" but this is a temporary handicap.  They will be "squared away" when the spoils of any war, like that in the Middle East for example, are agreed !

This highlights the fact that each and every country among the Western Powers has its own reasons to be for or against any action, like an outright war against the Exreme Muslim Terrorists.  These Muslims have now been increasingly more active for more than two years, and not only in the Middle East !

Problems arising in Europe due to the invasion of countless refugees and the Extreme Muslim terrorist attacks in countries outside of the Middle East, again reveals the lack of unity and the lack of deterrmined Leadership in the West.

Is it not time that elected Leaders all met secretly together, in one place, to address these problems at the very top level ?   There are continually countless meetings of Diplomats and Foreign Ministers and others, but it does not seem that all these meetings have resulted in quicker and cohesive decisions by  Western Leaders. 


Thursday, 15 October 2015


The most recent propositions of the directors of AIR FRANCE to restructure the Group to make it financially viable, but also to enable it to compete with low cost Airlines, have been vehemently opposed and criticised by Employees and Trade Unions !

There have been several attempts to present an acceptable plan to restructure the Air France Group but they all require a hefty reduction of the number of employees and Pilots. Employees  reacted violently ! (1)

Having at first supported the directors, President Hollande and Prime Minister Valls now  seem to be having second thoughts.

This change in their attitude is also explained by the forthcoming Regional Elections to be held in December 2015 and the Presidential Election in May 2017.     

Persisting with the current plans to restructure Air France could ruin all the aspirations the Socialist Party may have in these Elections.
(1)  Read our article "Air France : What went wrong ?"


Tuesday, 13 October 2015


A Referendum Vote in 2017 to decide whether Britain should "Stay in or get out" of the EU, was a promise made by David Cameron and the Conservative Party in their Manifesto for the 2015 General Election.

This question had provoked endless discussions and debates  for a long time in Britain.  The number of those arguing "For or Against" Britain staying in the EU are finely balanced.  David Cameron as Prime Minister, was quite right to propose a Referendum, but in 2017 to settle this issue, was perhaps being too optimistic !

Cameron needs time to propose changes to Treaties before "The Vote", but underestimated the time needed.   There are hardened politicians in Europe like Angela Merkel, who like  Margaret Thatcher, are not there for turning !  They do not like being pushed, they prefer to be the proposer of any changes ! 

In fact, why is it so urgent to have a vote so soon ?   Britain at present is a bouyant country, much more so than the majority of the other 28 countries in the EU !   Britain has and controls its own Currency which competes confidently with the EURO !  It serves the World as well as the Commonwealth !

Is it really urgent and necessary now, to take stock, to decide whether it would be better and more profitable for Britain to leave the EU ?   Would this not be a jump into the unknown ?

Those in favour of leaving the EU are estimating the beneficial  Economic and Financial effect of an independent Britain, but  do they also include the cost of losing political influence in EU  decision making ? 

The expression which best answers this question is : "One in the hand is better than one in the bush !".

Would it not be better to delay the Referendum ? 

Any future Government, Conservative or Socialist, Left or Right, could always decide later to have a referendum, to stay or leave the EU, if that is in Britain's best interests. 

However, once Britain is out, it will be very difficult to get back in, or to have the same influence on EU decision making ! 






Monday, 12 October 2015


Although Sepp Blatter has "promised" to resign, he is still at this moment in time, the President of FIFA !   Last week,  however, he was suspended from all football functions for three months by the FIFA Ethics Committee, just like Platini and Valcke.  

This means Blatter could again resume his Presidential duties on January 8, 2016.  An interim President, Issa Hayatou of Cameroon, has been nominated.

The deadline for officially notifying one's intention to be a candidate in the next FIFA Presidential Election, is October 26, 2015.   Whether Platini will be accepted as a candidate, remains to be seen.   He will fight the legality of his suspension.

Anything could yet happen in this FIFA saga.  There could be further unexpected candidates, there could even be a suspension to a later date, of the FIFA Presidential Election  itself. 

Why has Blatter always wanted to hang on so desperately to the Presidency just to organise the election on February 26 ?   Will he really resign ?  If he does not resign, could another President be elected ?

Platini at present has the support of UEFA and of the English FA.  Would it not be wise for the English FA to nominate a candidate for the FIFA Presidency in case the candidature of Platini is invalidated before the Election on February 26, 2016 ?   The English Candidate could always withdraw at the last moment before the VOTE, to leave the field clear for Platini !

In this FIFA saga, anything could yet happen !   In fact it would be a Major Surprise, if nothing unexpected does happen !  



La réforme des collèges selon la ministre « permet une meilleure égalité des chances » en supprimant tout ce qui peut élever le niveau culturel des élèves, notamment l’enseignement du latin et du grec, jugés « trop élitiste ».
« Beati pauperes spiritu. »

Sunday, 11 October 2015



Depuis le 26 novembre 2014, l'amplitude de travail hebdomadaire des concierges de catégorie B ne peut être supérieure à 47 heures 30 (avenant n° 84 du 23 mai 2014 étendu par arrêté du 13 novembre 2014 JO du 25).  Une disposition encore méconnue par de nombreux syndics ! 

Par amplitude hebdomadaire, on entend la durée pendant laquelle le gardien effectue ses tâches et assure une permanence à la loge ; cela correspond aux heures d'ouverture de la loge.

Un avenant au contrat de travail de chaque gardien doit donc préciser les modalités de répartition de la réduction si cette amplitude dépasse 47 heures 30 ; par exemple si l'amplitude hebdomadaire de travail était de 50 heures, l'horaire de fermeture de la loge pourra être ramené à 19 heures au lieu de 19 heures 30 du lundi au vendredi.

Ceci ne modifie en rien les tâches pour lesquelles le gardien a été engagé, ni le montant de sa rémunération qui se calcule par référence à des tâches évaluées en unités de valeur.




Yesterday was the annual "Day against the "Death Penalty" !  Alas, there are real questions, which are never properly addressed by opponents who are against the Death Penalty.

1    Should there not be a "Day for the Human Right to Live" ?

2    Should the Death Penalty not be retained to deter recidivist Murderers and Mass Killers like terrorists ? 

3    Should the basic principle of Criminal Law not be to protect  Society and innocent civilians ? 

The prime object of any sane legal system must be deter crime by prescribing punishments, but which only independent Judges are then permitted to impose after having heard all the evidence.  

The imposition of the Death Penalty should never be at the discretion of a political Leader or Head of State.   There should always be a System of Appeal.

The total abolition of the Death Penalty is an error ! 


Friday, 9 October 2015


The changing Middle East War is provoking more refugees to uproot and flee their countries.   This in turn is creating more panic at EU borders.   Recently, Chancellor Merkel addressed the EU Parliament together with President Hollande of France.  

The new message is that all EU countries should stick together and control the arrival of Migrants.  In principle Merkel now wants to limit entries to Refugees fleeing from the Middle East, but maybe other Hot Spots like Afghanistan as well.

This is a clear admission that certain principles embedded in EU Treaties need to be changed.   This is true and necessary for ALL laws !   Laws need to be reviewed and updated to ensure that new problems, arising from a more Modern way of Life, are correctly covered by legislation.

The changes needed in EU laws must also recognise that the EU is not yet one country !   It is a Club of Countries which has certain long term aims and with a Parliament which has limited legislative powers.   For example, fiscal matters are decided by each National Parliament.

Recently certain EU countries refused to accept the quota of a certain number of Refugees.  Is the solution not to accord "temporary shelter" to "Refugees fleeing Hostility" ?  Normally refugees should be urged, to return to their families where they were born and bred.   Their country will need them. 



Thursday, 8 October 2015


The Ethics Committee of FIFA has suspended Blatter, Platini and Valcke for three months.  It has justified this suspension because of developments in the ongoing investigations into FIFA by the Swiss Judiciary.

This means that the favourite, Michel Platini could be prevented from being a candidate in the Election to become the next FIFA President on February 26, 2016.   All candidates must notify their intention to stand for election before October 26, 2015.    Their credentials will then be examined and this could even lead to their exclusion to stand.

In three months time Blatter will probably be free to resume his duties as President, until he resigns just before the FIFA Election to replace him !   This is what everyone expects after his repeated promises.

But, what will he do if he considers that the "good ship FIFA" is in peril ?  What if he thinks there is "no capable candidate", or "future Captain" left to be elected ?  Would Blatter not feel morally obliged to continue as President and not resign ...

Blatter should be obliged, to resign legally, and before October 26, 2015 !                                         


Wednesday, 7 October 2015


First elected President of FIFA in 1998 and again re-elected in May 2015 only to suddenly announce four days later that he will resign, Blatter is still stubbornly refusing all requests to step down immediately, rather than just before the election on February 27, 2016 of his successor !  Why ?

Why does he want to hang on ?  Why at the age of 79 does he feel obliged to go to his office every day ?  What must HE absolutely do that a temporary interim President could not do ?

Is he perhaps waiting, or even angling, to become a lifelong President of Honour of FIFA in recognition of his past services ? 

His predecessor as President, Joao Havelange, was made a President of Honour in 1998, but  resigned in 2013 aged 97 for health reasons.  There had been suspicions of financial irregularities during his Presidency, but nothing was illegal. 

FIFA is at present being investigated, as everyone knows.  Blatter himself regularly repeats he is "clean" !  Does he then really hope and want to be able to remain in FIFA as the President of Honour, for the next 18 years and in this way  become the oldest serving Executive of FIFA ?   

If not, what is the reason ?  



The AIR FRANCE shambles revealed these last few days on Television and in Newspapers worldwide, is a classic example of errors and greed at all levels during the last 40 years !

To say glibly that there has been mismanagement is an understatement !  All the problems have suddenly climaxed and urgent solutions, however painful, must now be adopted. 

To conserve a "French National future" for the  "Air France" will depend on the painful solutions !   International Predators are already waiting in the wings, to pounce and acquire cheaply a first class Airline ! 

What has already happened to "Air Italia" and other companies, could be repeated and become the destiny of "Air France" !



Air France had a normal beginning and was competitive until "Cost Cutting" Airlines started operating about 40 years ago.

Other Airlines reorganised to fight "Cost Cutters" but Air France did not streamline its costs or set up an independent subsidiary airline to compete directly with the Cost Cutters !  Why, because this has led to the current crisis ?

Everyone involved in running Air France over the years, such as Pilots and other Employees, Trade Unions, Executives and Politicians, have all stubbornly refused to impose and/or accept painful solutions which could have ensured the Economic viability of AIR FRANCE ! 

Examples are abundant ;

    -  Pilots of Air France are the highest paid pilots of any aviation company and they work the least amount of flying hours.   They have refused all changes to their basic conditions.
    -  Ordinary Employees, backed by Trade Unions, also refuse longer working hours.
    -  Trade Unions have always refused point blanc to accept any proposed changes in employment contracts.       
    -  Executives have often served only for short periods of time and with the help of Politicians have covered Air France Operating Losses with more financing.
    -  Politicians have avoided showdowns with Trade Unionists without ever imposing a permanent solution.

The Crunch, the moment for painful decisions, has now come and this has led to the disgraceful scenes, seen on television all over the World.  

As Prime Minister Valls has said, some hostile employees in the throng who chased the two executives, committed criminal acts.  But, will they ever be prosecuted or imprisoned ?  Or will they finally be pardoned ?

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


The sudden Russian attacks against enemies of Bachar al Assad, the President of Syria, are a complete "game changer" of Middle East politics. 

Whereas Western politicians hesitated to intervene to help the Syrian President after his "crimes against Humanity" (he slaughtered 40 000 of his own citizens), Russia claims its heavy-handed attacks are also aimed against the Islamic State. 

Middle East refugees in Syria and elsewhere fear the known reputation of destructive Russian warfare and are fleeing their homes to just to save their lives. 

Unofficial German estimates now expect 1500 000 refugees will reach the country this year.  The total for the whole EU could probably amount to more than 2.2 million for 2015.  And how many more in coming years?

They are not "migrants or immigrants" ; they are "refugees"  who want to save their lives but who will need sheltering !  Should they not be accorded the temporary right to stay in the EU for the duration of the War ? 

This at least, must be organised now and urgently, by all EU countries at least : the winter weather is coming !




Monday, 5 October 2015


President Obama was quick to appologise when an American attack in the Middle East, by error, destroyed a hospital !  

President Putin will certainly smile, but would he, or Russia, ever appologise ? 

Putin is the Leader of a Totalitarian State and as such is never bothered by little incidents.   In fact, he and Russia  never ever admit any wrongdoing, even when photographic evidence to the contrary, is available.  

For example, no Russian soldiers have ever been sent into Ukraine to help Russian Rebels.  Those that have gone there are all "volunteers" !    But, does anyone know who bears the cost of paying these volunteers ?  

In Russia this year, there has been an increasing "black-out" of all information, particularly for its citizens.   How many Russian soldiers, including volunteers, have been killed in action this year ?  Are mothers and wives informed ?  Statistics are no longer published !

This year in Totalitarian Russia severe restrictions have been placed on what news can be made public.  Radio and television programmes are censored.

This makes any real international co-operation in the fight against the Islamic State and other Islamic Extremists almost impossible. 

Putin obeys only one rule.   It is what "He" thinks is good for Russia and its interests now, or in the future.  Humanitarian causes are, therefore, not a major objective for him or for Russia.  They justify no special consideration.

The totalitarian Russian Parliament will not only rubber stamp what he proposes but will at the same time "instruct him" to carry out his policies !  Is it necessary to add that it was Bashar al Assad who asked for Russian help in Syria ?   This implies that by UNO rules Putin was justified to send troops into Syria.  

In these circumstances, is it really prudent, or even possible, to trust Russia or Putin in an alliance ?  In the end will Putin not  want only to share in the "Spoils of War".

Will his aim not be to keep Crimea, have Sanctions lifted and keep the whole of Ukraine ?  This would be Yalta 1945 all over again !   


Saturday, 3 October 2015


During a visit to Italy recently, I noticed that the speed limits applied on 3 lane Motorways in the Milan area, were sometimes indicated for each lane, instead of just one and the same limit for all lanes ! 

For example, the speed limit for the "Inside lane", (normally for lorries), would be 60, the middle lane for local traffic would be 80, and the outside lane for faster cars, would be 110 or 130. 

In spite of the heavy traffic, all the vehicles seemed to move forward constantly and there was less "lane hopping" !  Traffic jams were thus definitely reduced.

Other countries might benefit if they tried this solution !



Sepp Blatter, the elected President of FIFA, said he will resign and will organise the election of the next FIFA President.   This is now scheduled to take place in February 2016.  He has also said that he would not be a candidate at that Election !

So far, so good !  However, this last week it appears that Blatter is now suspected of having knowingly permitted a FIFA Executive to profit personally, to the detriment of FIFA, while representing FIFA.  Does this change anything ?

Blatter still insists he will not resign, presumably until next February 2016 !   He has not been charged of any wrongdoing.  As he has always maintained, "HE IS CLEAN" !  He therefore considers it is his duty, as President,  to ensure the future of FIFA .... even during the last 5 months !

What will happen if he does not resign as promised, before the FIFA Presidential election ?   Can a second President of FIFA be elected ?

Surely the Swiss Prosecutor's Office now has sufficient evidence to charge Blatter and to disqualify him from remaining in his elected Office as President, but also to prohibit him from entering the Premises of FIFA !

Lawyers actively working on the case must know what can be done !



Friday, 2 October 2015


After having sent armaments to Syria and building an aerodrome there, fit for landing War planes, Putin ordered  airstrikes to attack the enemies of Bachar al Assad.

The West was informed of his intentions when Putin addressed the UNO.  These events took less than a week.  It revealed that his real intention was to consolidate Russia's long standing  alliance with Syria and to protect Russian interests there. 

Of prime importance is the Port of Tartus where Russian ships  have been docked since 1971. This is a key position for Russia in the east Mediteranean sea and on the coastline of the Middle East, where a complex War by Muslim Extremists is now raging.

Western countries are consternated and appear not to know how to react in unison at this Russian initiative.  The United States, Britain and France had already launched direct attacks on Islamic State installations but no one wants to "help" Bachar al Assad. He has been accused of "Crimes against Humanity" in his own country.

Will the meeting today in Paris, hosted by President Hollande with Putin, Merkel and Poroshenko on the Minsk agreement about Ukraine, also lead to talks and a clearer strategy of how to tackle the War in the Middle East against the Islamic State ?




