Saturday, 28 May 2016


Athletes and Spectators who planned to go to Rio for the Olympic Games in RIO, which start on August 6, in less than two months time, now worry whether the ever spreading ZIKA crisis could be a real danger for their health.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) apparently simply said that the Games will not be cancelled !  This is in spite of the fact that many knowlegable people fear that the ZIKA crisis is still spreading.  It originated in Brazil but has spread to at least 60 countries !

Does this mean that the IOC or "Brazil" has insurance cover for any athletes or spectators who go to RIO if they "catch" the ZIKA illness ?  THAT is certainly NOT the case !

Therefore, instead of dicing with the health of everyone, would it not be "wise" if the IOC declared that these Olympics must be postponed for one year ?  Even at this late stage, the courage of the IOC would retrieve, even enhance, its reputation !

Finally, there are already some competitors who are ready to cancell their participation at the last minute, if their advisors feel they should !  They all want to survive "intact" !



Tuesday, 24 May 2016


In an effort to ensure his re-election hopes as President of France in May 2017, François Hollande has tried to please everyone !  Alas, his dying efforts have failed and France is slowly grinding to a halt. 

When he was elected as President, Hollande swore he would reduce the number of unemployed.  Virtually every month since then, the number of unemployed has steadily risen !  In addition he did not undertake any cost cutting as promised and as a result, the Public Debt has risen.

Now there are repeated strikes which could soon leave many towns without deliveries of food, due to the lack of petrol and strikes at refineries !  France is coming to a halt.

France is still in a State of Emergency !   How will France ensure the security of tourists and visitors to the European Football Nations Cup which starts on June 10, 2016 ?  Terrorists easily infiltrate all EU countries !

In his desperation for a second term as President, he has forced through legislation which introduces more flexibility into Social Laws.   By doing this Hollande wanted to please Employers, Employees, the Unemployed and the Trade Unions.   Simply said the more he tried, the more everyone has become confused !

No one in France now really knows what could happen next !




Monday, 23 May 2016


David Cameron is absolutely right when, not only in the context of "Brexit", he says that Britain has a Veto right in the EU and could stop Turkey joining the European Union, but this right is like a double edged knife !

Every country has the same right when, for example, fundamental principles in EU Treaties need changing.  This is why at present the EU is incapable of even slightly updating Treaties.   There must always be 100% agreement by all countries !   Is this practicable ? 

Controling EU frontiers and immigration are but two prime examples where EU laws have been abandoned and piecemeal solutions have been "permitted" ! 

These measures are perhaps "temporary", but  they  reveal what is wrong in the EU at present and what  really must be addressed in the near future. 



Saturday, 21 May 2016


Human Rights in the EU and elsewhere in the World need to be revised: they do not act as a deterrent when Terrorists, with cold-blooded premeditation, plan the mass slaughter of innocent civilians !

When terrorists survive the slaughter, after  having deprived their victims of their Human Rights, they immediately claim all their own "Human Rights" !  They get free legal advice to defend themselves and this ensures they are not "unduly" executed or imprisoned !

Is this "right", is this "justice" for the innocent Public ?   Should the EU and the United Nations not modify the current definition of Human Rights ?

Furthermore, soft justice is already dispensed in many countries simply because there is a lack modern prisons with enough capacity to punish even petty "offenders" !
All types of prisoners mingle together and they  indoctrinate each other !  Is that acceptable ?

Should the EU, UNO and Politicians everywhere not revise current principles and rules ?  Should the EU not lead the way and order the construction of purpose built prisons with cells for solitary confinement, in remote places, for dangerous criminals ?   Is that not the way to protect civilians ? 

Where is the Politician with the courage to be the  Torchbearer to inspire these needed changes ?


Wednesday, 18 May 2016


"Brexit will bring chaos" says Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, but there  already is "CHAOS" in the EU and there have  often been reports !  

Even this Blog yesterday published an article on this subject, entitled "Brexit now ?  Why not later ?"

When will all the EU Leaders listen to ALL the smaller countries with Borders on the outside of the EU ?  It is now urgent for the EU to ACT, to discourage invading  and desperate refugees !  This is exactly the kind of problem which could destroy the EU !

Mr Tusk, "Is the object of the EU not to protect European interests ?  Have you, as President of the EU Council, together with Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the EU Commission,  prepared Action Plans for discussion by the EU Leaders in their Council Meetings ?". 

Is that not the way to end the CHAOS and to protect the EU ?



Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Many problems have been aired in debates in Britain to justify a vote "to stay in or to leave" the EU. The result on June 23, 2016 could be close !

The debates have correctly revealed that the EU is "in a mess", provoked by the Middle East War and the fleeing Refugee crisis that has followed.

EU countries know this and the EU must change, not only its Treaties, but it must also redefine its objectives and its organisational rules, so that all 28 member countries can participate equitably in EU debates and  decisions. 

Likewise, the domination of the EUROZONE can only be acceptable in discussions concerning the management of the EURO currency, which is its responsibility ! 

"Brexit or not" debates would be totally different had the Vote been scheduled for 2019, i.e. after the EU reforms in which Britain should actively participate ! 

So, why vote now to leave the EU ?   In 2019 such a decision could be regretted.  But, nothing is lost if now,  "Britain votes to stay" !

Afterwards, when the reorganisation of the EU has been completed, Britain would still have the right to have  another "Brexit or not" Vote ! 

So, why vote for "Brexit" NOW ?



François Hollande ce mardi main 17 mai sur Europe 1 :

" Ca va mieux pour la France ".

 Les français sont agréablement déçus ...

Monday, 16 May 2016



Le concert de Rap prévu le 29 mai prochain dans le cadre des commémorations du centenaire de la bataille de Verdun ( 700000 victimes , blessés et prisonniers de guerre inclus ) est annulé.



Sunday, 15 May 2016


There are now hard headed agitators, leading protestors in disturbances in towns and cities all over France, after  the French Socialist Government forced through unpopular Employment Legislation by using the article 49.3 of the Constitution.

This is what has led to instant protests in which rioters have been destroying everything in their paths.   More  such bloody protests can be expected in coming weeks  as well as repeated strikes !

This projected legislation has been discussed for a long time in France and concerns attempts to introduce more flexibility into the Social Laws concerning the "35 hour working week".  The aim was  to encourage Employers to engage workers on a long term basis rather than on short term contracts. 

Hollande's attempt to move the Socialist Party more to the center stage, and thereby also to save his hopes of being able to stand, unopposed, for a second term of 5 years as President, seem doomed. 

Socialists now want and demand, a Primary Election.  Several Candidates are already preparing themselves while at the same time, Popularity Polls for François Hollande continue to be the lowest for any President of the Fifth Republic ! 




Friday, 13 May 2016


The latest news concerning Drugs in Athletics seems to confirm that Russians, with the benediction of their Leaders, are still being administered Drugs to improve their performances !

Apparantly any official blood samples taken during tests are later replaced with "clean" samples obtained earlier  when the athlete was "clean" !

This Blog has regularly pleaded in the past that, the only sure way to ensure no drugged athlete can win at the next Olympics in RIO in August 2016, is by testing all competitors shortly before every event. 

Those taking part in the Final must be tested for a second time after the event to prevent a cheat being declared the winner of a Medal ! 

All "out of competition testing" is necessarily of a   secondary importance !

What everyone wants to know is whether at the next Olympics a foolproof system will be in place, with the basic principle of "No clean sample, no right to race !"

Are both the IAAF and the Olympic Games Organisation ready ?  If so, for Athletics this could be the first "Clean Games", with new clean records !   






Thursday, 12 May 2016


Originally there were only six countries in what is now called the "EU" - the European Union.  There are now 28 countries, but there are others which would like to join !

The real question is "where is the "geographic" frontier which defines "Europe" and its "Inhabitants" ? With which Frontiers would the people now living in "Europe" still feel "at home" ?  At this point historical events also have their importance !

The current political situation in the EU is    influenced by the War against Extremist Muslims, in the Middle East and also in several EU counties, but there are also  fleeing Refugees seeking shelter in the EU;  this again begs the question - where are the "natural limits" of the EU ? 

The current attempt to make a deal with Turkey to limit the arrival of immigrants in the EU, to those fleeing from  war-torn Syria only, reveals clearly that Turkey's ultimate aim is to join the EU as soon as possible !

Is that acceptable to all EU countries ?  Would Turkey  then join the "EUROZONE" ?  What about other countries, like Syria, Ukraine with "Crimea" ?  

These limits have never been clearly defined.  Such limits are not just a "Eurozone" decision, it is a decision which ALL EU countries should be consulted on !  


Wednesday, 11 May 2016


According to a report in the newspaper "Le Canard enchaîné", the former Minister of the Interior of the Sarkozy Government, Brice Hortefeux, was "flashed" speeding on an Autoroute at 170 KM per hour instead of at the limited speed of 110 KM per hour on Sunday morning, May 1 2016, at 10 am !

What is really surprising however, is that it was the  policeman who caught him who was sanctioned by his heirarchy and Hortefeux escaped all punishment !

At present Mr Hortefeux is no longer a French MP, he is now a deputy in the EU parliament, an MEP !  When he was caught he was travelling to a function as Vice-President of the Rhone Alpes Auvergne Region.

One can well ask whether the top layers of Politicians are a protected species in all countries, not only in France !  There have been many articles in the British Press recently which clearly provoke this question !

Likewise, EU MEPs also are known to benefit from many privileges which taxpayers could only dream about !  Does this protection also include criminal offences ?  No one can or will dare answer that question !






En 2006 François Hollande déclarait :

" le 49-3 est une brutalité, un déni de démocratie "


Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Le Roi de l’humour l’a affirmé le 8 mai : «  Nous avons bien redressé le pays depuis quatre ans »
On s’étouffe de rire.

Monday, 9 May 2016



Partisans either for or against Brexit are continually searching for convincing reasons to justify their campaign.  Alas, some arguments crumble when they are dispassionately analized !

It has been suggested by knowlegable insiders that a "Brexit Vote" could or would "destroy or end" the sharing of  information about Terrorists with EU partner countries, by indicating where they are and what they may be planning to do.

Would the EU really want to do that ?  Such information concerns the security for everyone fighting Islamic Terrorism.  Britain and the USA are at the forefront of modern warfare tactics and not for the first time would fight to "save" Europe ! 

Sharing such information does not depend on economic, commercial, or political reasons.  It is justified by common sense to ensure survival !  

Further proof is provided by the fact that the EU does not want a "Brexit" !   Several countries even want the EU to revise its Treaties which do not provide the Security they expect and want.      



Saturday, 7 May 2016


There is one basic fear at present, which dominates all discussions in Britain, on whether Britain should stay in the EU, or vote for "Brexit" and leave the EU !  THAT fear is that Britain's pleas would be ignored if it alone felt forced to oppose proposed changes in EU Treaties. 

Debates at present weigh the "financial" effects if Britain voted to leave, but the conclusion seems to be that little would change.  EU countries need to trade with Britain and any embargoes would be self defeating for everyone.  Added to that, Britain already trades all over the World and can always rely on help from Countries in its Commonwealth.  

The real stumbling block for British voters is caused by the fact that the Brexit Referendum comes next month instead of much later !  It comes before the EU has changed as it must.  Therefore why vote to leave now ! 

The EU has really reached a point when several changes to EU Treaties must be decided rapidly, just to preserve its own future.  How can it justify the free movement people in the face of fleeing refugees, not only from the Middle East but other "hot spots" in Asia and Africa ? 

Likewise, the EU must also recognise that several small EU countries are not at all ready for all the rigorous rules larger countries like Germany, France, Italy and Austria require.  They all need time and financial help, in particular Greece. 

The EU must, and will, change.  The War against the Islamic State must and will be won.   Britain, France and the USA are already actively engaged with this objective in mind !

Voters should have been given the chance to vote afterwards to stay or to leave the EU after the changes have been made !  The best option now is to vote to stay in the EU.  It could always be another chance to vote !                                                              




Wednesday, 4 May 2016


A desperate plan is being hatched by the European Commission which envisages to fine those countries which do not accept their allocated share of asylum seekers. 

A punitive fine of 250 000 Euros per allocated asylum seeker not accepted would be used to compensate other countries which have taken more than their allocated share !

Some countries voted against the Allocation System when it was adopted last year : they will certainly again express their opposition to what is being planned now for 2016, particularly if this could become the habit for future years as well ! 
Furthermore, the permission to apply Internal Frontier Controls has been extended for a further six more months.  This only concerns Germany, Austria, Sweden,  Norway and Denmark but, should it not be extended to other countries with External EU borders as well ? 

How can Terrorists be properly tracked if all EU Border controls are not watertight ?

How long can the EU last if there is no revision of EU Treaties without the total agreement of all EU Countries ?






Le  festival du film aura lieu à Cannes du 11 au 22 Mai 2016.
Chacun s'y prépare à sa façon...

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


In France "Election Fever" is already gripping possible Candidates and their Parties: there is a strong possibility that a New President to replace Hollande will be elected in May 2017 !

President Hollande has had a disasterous first four years in office and the lowest Opinion Poll ratings of any previous President of the Fifth Republic !  But, in spite of this "little problem", he desperately wants to be able to stand for a second term of 5 years !

Many Socialists want a Primary selection of the Party Candidate but Hollande wants to avoid that, come what may !  All his "inner circle of Ministers" are actively  doing all they can to help his campaign. 

Hollande made 60 promises to electors when he defeated Sarkozy in 2012, some of which have   been kept.  This time, with his re-election in mind, he has started early ! Teachers, Farm workers and Civil Servants have already benefitted ....Christmas has come early !      
The cost of his generosity is estimated to be at least 4 billion Euros, but French coffers are empty !  Taxpayers anxiously want to know how his "gifts" will be financed, but ..... that is a well kept secret !




In the match between Chelsea v Tottenham last night, the referee issued 12 yellow cards !  Is this is a record ?  Perhaps not !  However Tottenham earned 9 of them !  Is that a record ?

What is really surprising is that no red cards were issued !  The referee, Mark Clattenburg, must have had one in his pocket !

However, there is one observation which merits reflection.  Would the match have ended in a draw IF, as in Ice Hockey, Football also had "sin bins" so that a 5 or 10 minute time penalty spent on the sidelines could be imposed (to replace the awful shame of a soft yellow card reprimand) ?   Would there have been as many  infringements ? 

Imposing a time penalty would also serve as instant justice for the other team ! 


Monday, 2 May 2016


There is confusion of what is acceptable or not when people dress in EU countries.   This is a delicate subject, but the issue must be clearly  defined in legislation, either Nationally but preferably at the EU level.

Basically every person, who is not at home but in a public place in the EU, should be so dressed that he or she can always be clearly identified.   

The law must severely punish anyone, even women, if they wear anything  which hides or obscures his or her real identity !  The punishment prescribed must deter people from hiding their identity in Public !
The obvious aim must be to deter anyone from wearing "Hoods" when "Public Disturbances" could occur !   To deter any Offenders, the punishment prescribed must be severe !

Religious groups must understand that the sole   objective of such legislation is to permit the protection of "all" civilians.   The aim  is not to ban normal religious clothing.



Chancellor Angela Merkel's problems in both the EU and  Germany are getting bigger as time goes by. 

Last week the agreement she made recently with Turkey, to limit the number of Refugees seeking shelter in Germany or the EU, to only Syrian Refugees, appeared not to be as efficient as expected. 

Now there is news that the Extreme right-wing party AfD, has adopted a Policy to ban "all" Muslims from Germany, not just the Extreme Muslims !  This has already led to disruption by left-wing protestors in Germany. 

EU countries also have already blatantly ignored EU  rules on the Freedom of Movement in the EU, by constructing fencing on their borders to stop all immigrants and some have also refused their allocated share of Refugees from Syria ! 

Merkel must now really regret the open arms "Welcome"  she extended to 800 000 Refugees last September to come to Germany !  Taking care of Refugees will always encourage more to come !

It is the Islamic State slaughter of Middle East residents and natives which must be stopped.  Then the arrival of more Refugees will abate ! 





The 2016 Olympic Games are due to start in Rio on  August 6, but in recent months there have been regular alerts that the ZIKA virus is spreading world wide.

All the dangers of this virus have not yet been identified,  but there is proof that it affects the formation of newly conceived babies. Mosquitoes are the carriers of the virus and spread it to humans with bites. 

It is quite obvious that the Olympic Games Organisation, the IAAF, the Brazilian State all want the 2016 Games in Rio to take place as planned.   Athletes and Spectators from all over the World are perhaps more hesitant and would want to avoid obvious dangers ! 

Who is competent to STOP the Games if the safety of the lives of people involved is at risk ?  Such a cancellation  cannot be left to the last minute !  There must be a serious and INDEPENDENT enquiry and a decision within the next month !

Should the World Health Organisation not be that competent authority ? 

Would it be a total disaster if the RIO Games had to be delayed for one year until 2017 ?  Will all the Sites for the Games in Brazil this year really be ready in time ?  Will all participating sportspeople be properly drug tested ? Who would pay compensation if the Zika virus strikes ?



Sunday, 1 May 2016


Almost every week after cells have been searched, there are revelations of how easy it is to smuggle tetephones, drugs and armes into prisons, which house not only petty offenders, but violent criminals and  terrorists as well.

The same stories also regret that prisons have also become fertile recruitment centres for future terrorists !  

On top of these problems is the fact that prisons have been overcrowded for many years in most countries, not only in the EU.  This cannot be accepted as an excuse !

What is also very apparant is that international terrorism  or violent crime will not suddenly stop !   Only one option remains, if the real object of prisons is to protect the human rights of innocent civilians : to construct  purpose built prisons, which also have cells for solitary confinement.

Should it not be an EU responsibility to build such a facility for guilty Terrorists or International Gangsters caught in the EU ?  That would probably be the cheapest solution.





1er Mai 2015, Jean Marie Le Pen appelait Jeanne d'Arc à son secours.
Exclu du Front National l'été dernier , Jean Marie Le Pen vient de lancer son mouvement :
"Jeanne, au secours " .
La pucelle d'Orléans entendra-t-elle sa voix ?



The attrocities of the Islamic State in the Middle East have provoked a flood of Refugees into the EU.  As a result many Countries in the EU are facing Social upheavals Nationally and many politicians in the EU now want  changes to the sacred rules of the European Union !

Ironically, today is May 1, - Labour Day and there will be Marches and Demonstrations in countries all over Europe !   Will they provoke any action by Leading MEPs or by National Leaders in the EU Council in Brussels ?  

The basic principles on which the EU was founded, were adopted in the peaceful years following the end of the Second World War in May 1945.  More than 50 years later, some of these principles are now outdated, even unacceptable, because the World around the EU is  continually changing.  

These principles at present prevent, even forbid, National Parliaments to take the action necessary to  defend their own EU Citizens properly, from unwanted Immigrants and even from Terrorists ! 

However, some countries have defied these rules !  They have dared to reintroduce passport controles and built razor wire fencing on their Borders !   Is this not the kind of protection which all EU Citizens want and expect ?   

However, this is an infringement of the basic concept of the Freedom of Movement of EU citizens in EU Treaties ! 

Should Politicians in Brussels not now quickly act and change Treaties, to preserve all EU citizens and the European Union itself ?         
