Wednesday, 28 February 2018


In the League Match on Sunday February 25, 2018 Paris SG beat Marseille 3-0.  The referee issued 11 yellow cards (PSG 6, Marseille 5) for niggling infringements.  

Neymar, the PSG magician, he is a modern day dribbler and even more  dazzling than Stanley Matthews was 70 years ago.  Neymar was the prey sought-out by Marseilles until he was carried-off in the 79th minute of the match !

By sheer coincidence, today February 28, in Paris, PSG and Marseille are due to play each other again, this time in the quarter finals of the French Cup.

Already speculation is rife : could Marseille beat a Paris team without Neymar ?   What will the Marseille game plan be ? 

In such a grudge match PSG will probably want to win 4-0 !  And they could do exactly that !


Monday, 26 February 2018


The last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas 2, was executed on July 17,1918 and Vladimir Putin, his latest successor, is the current President who again seeks his "reanointment" in the election on March 18, 2018.  There are 7 other Candidates who finally qualified to oppose Putin.

Since 1999 Putin has been either Prime Minister or President of Russia and he is favourite to be re-elected.   The Russian Constitution was changed to permit Putin to remain as President for more than just two terms of 4 years !   His grip on power is better guaranteed than that of Nicholas 2 !

Now, Putin's clear aim is to restore Russia's former importance, which suffered from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1995 and later from the gradual desertion from the Soviet Union, of several satellite countries which joined the EU in the early years of 2000 ! 

Putin is reported to be the clear favourite to win the election next month.   However, he does face problems at home and abroad. 

Life in Russia is not rosy and any opposition and demonstrations are quickly repressed.  Abroad, he has a Military presence in Ukraine and has snatched Crimea !    Putin has also "sponsored" Bachar al Assad, the leader of Syria, with armes and munitions.  Is his ultimate aim to get a foothold in the Middle East for Russia, by occupying Syria ?

Alas, UNO is only watching closely !  Only effective World-wide Sanctions might stop Putin and Russia !



Friday, 23 February 2018


Dans une copropriété, il peut être tentant d'annexer et d'utiliser les combles situés au dessus de la chambre de service dont on est déjà propriétaire.

Toutefois pour intervenir sur les combles, partie commune de la copropriété, et quelle que soit leur superficie ou leur volume, il est nécessaire de les avoir acheter !

Le candidat à l’achat doit soumettre à l’Assemblée Générale un projet préparé conjointement par un géomètre expert, un architecte et validé par un bureau d’études en structures.  Le géomètre expert doit préparer un projet de modificatif de la division de la copropriété.

Pour proposer à l'AG le meilleur prix de rachat à la copropriété, on peut tenir compte de la plus value qui en résultera pour le copropriétaire acheteur.

L’AG se prononce sur la vente à la majorité prévue à l’article 26 de la loi du 10 juillet 1965 : majorité des membres du syndicat des copropriétaires représentant au moins les deux tiers des voix.
La copropriété peut assortir son accord de l’obligation, pour le copropriétaire acheteur, de contracter une assurance dommage ouvrage.
Les travaux tels que ouverture d’une trémie dans le plancher des combles afin de  faire communiquer 2 lots appartenant au même copropriétaire sont  également soumis à autorisation donnée par l’AG à la majorité de l’article 25 de la loi du 10 juillet 1965.

Une fois la vente des parties communes autorisée par l’AG (majorité de l’article 26) l’acheteur devra encore patienter deux mois (délai de recours possible contre les décisions de l’AG) avant de passer devant le notaire pour formaliser son achat et entreprendre les travaux.  
Attention ! aucune stipulation d’ordre général ne peut déroger par anticipation à l’exigence d’une autorisation spécifique de l’Assemblée Générale préalables aux travaux affectant les parties communes de la copropriété (en ce sens cass.civ. 3e 2 février 1999) ;  autrement dit une résolution sur la possibilité pour les copropriétaires d'acheter des combles serait dénuée de toute portée juridique. 


Thursday, 22 February 2018


The British Press have revealed that Corbyn, the Leader of the British Socialist Party, had several meetings with an Iron Curtain Spy in the 1980s.  

This has provoked numerous questions, but Corbyn has deftly sidestepped all opportunities to reveal the details of the conversations he had with Jan Sarkocy from Czechoslovakia.

Corbyn did however confirm that he was not a "Spy" for Iron Curtain countries !    Alas, a better question could have been "Was he an Informer" ? 

As the Leader of the Socialist Party Corbyn has helped it to recover ; with the turmoil of BREXIT who will win the next UK Parliamentary Election ?   Perhaps not Corbyn.  He faces a crisis which could destroy all his hopes of leading his Party in the next Election. 

Can he convince his newly won Electors, who are generally staunchly BRITISH and PATRIOTIC ?   They may not want to trust a suspected "Informer of Communists"



Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Jeremy Corbyn MP, the current Leader of the Bitish Socialist Party, is being pilloried daily by the Press, MPs and Electors, to explain or deny allegations that 30 years ago he was in contact with a Czeck spy, Jan Sarkocy !

Every day there are more comments, more speculation, but the man who could be elected to become the next Prime Minister of Britain, refuses to make an official comment, to quell any of the speculation.  

The normal option is to explain or to deny.  If comments are slanderous or libelous Corbyn could decide to sue for defamation !

At present everyone, particularly Socialists voters, are judging Corbyn : is he the right man to lead the Socialist Party and Britain ? 


Thursday, 15 February 2018


The French Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, aged 53 with a legal background, has announced a profound reform of the Education System.  His mission is part of the Reforms President Macron wants to introduce in France !
As noted in a previous article in this Blog, the 32 previous Ministers of Education since 1982, all made "improvements" which led to 87% of schooleavers in France being qualified to enter University !

Alas, too many students failed their exams after their first or second year at University !   Should the students be blamed for their failures or the
Education System ? 

Macron and Blanquer have launched a complete analysis of all aspects of the Education System, and this will take time.  Whatever changes are ultimately proposed, they will provoke opposition from Trade Unions and Political Parties !



Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Judges normally have enough experience to determine from the facts if a defendent is guilty or not of Sexual Harassment.   

However, sometimes in civil actions or criminal prosecutions, the offence seems to have taken place a long time ago, when either or both parties were perhaps very young, but after which no "official complaint" was made at the time !

When old forgotten "offences" are suddenly  evoked and accusations are made, the question then should be "why ?".   Has a former offender recommenced, or is it out of spite, because he or she is now a well known "Personality" ?

If it is "out of spite", Judges have the experience to acquit a defendent.   BUT, the "fame" of the well known personality could be stigmatized for ever ! 

How can such malicious and spiteful accusations be prevented ?



Sunday, 11 February 2018


Politicians everywhere are again conveniently putting the blame for the misery and financial losses caused by floods, suffered by millions of householders and tenants, on "identified climate changes" !

Is this explanation acceptable and really the whole truth ?   The current floods for numerous towns and villages are not alas, just the first for a long time but a painfull repetition !

Sometimes permits have also been granted to build houses on land which was known to have been flooded in the past !   How can local mayors and officials justify issuing such permits ?   They should be publically "named and shamed" !

When waterways and streams overflow quick remedial action is expected by inhabitants to prevent a repetition of such floods.   In some cases the work required may be in other Local Council areas :  it could even become a National obligation, requiring huge investments !



Friday, 9 February 2018


Since the General Election on September 24, 2017 Angela Merkel has desperately tried to form a new Coalition for her CDU Party and also to keep her "job" as Chancellor of Germany which she had held since 2006 !

After all her efforts had failed her old Coalition partners, the SPD, finally accepted to negotiate again.   This has led to another Coalition agreement, but now the real questions which remain are the cost and who pays ?  

Who pays concerns not only German Electors but also EU citizens !   How will German SPD demands affect or change the way Germany votes when changes are proposed to EU rules and principles ?

The perfect example concerns the future EU policies relating to immigration into the EU.   It is probably due to the "open arms welcome" extended by Merkel to refugees in 2015, which lost the Coalition Partners more than 100 seats in the September 2017 General Election !   

Should the German President Steinmeier not have decreed a new Election instead of waiting until early March 2018 (5 months !) when the SPD party will vote, to accept or not, the conditions of the new Coalition ?   Should the German Constitution not stipulate an upper time limit (3 months ?) in such a case, to avoid "desperate" last minute negotiations !

Is it acceptable that German and EU politics have been at a standstill since September 24,  2017 !





Wednesday, 7 February 2018


Depuis quelques années, à Paris, les locations meublées touristiques à la journée ou à la semaine se sont multipliées via des sites internet, réduisant ainsi le parc des locations de résidences principales.

Aussi des mesures strictes ont elles été prises ; une amende pouvant atteindre 50 000 euros sanctionne désormais celui qui contrevient aux obligations suivantes, obligations différentes selon que le bien loué meublé fait partie ou pas de la résidence principale du loueur :

-Louer tout ou partie de sa résidence principale, c'est à dire celle que l'on occupe au moins huit mois par an, c'est possible mais dans la limite de 120 jours par an.  En outre, depuis le 1er décembre 2017, le loueur doit avoir déposé une déclaration de meublé auprès de la mairie.  Le numéro d'enregistrement qui lui est attribué doit être publié sur toutes les annonces de location.

-Tous les autres locaux, y compris les chambres de service ou les locaux contigus à la résidence principale mais indépendants, ne peuvent être loués meublés pour de courtes durées, jours, semaines ou mois, qu'après obtention d'une autorisation de changement d'usage avec compensation (1) délivrée par la Mairie.
A l'appui de sa demande, le propriétaire doit produire une attestation selon laquelle le règlement de copropriété ne s'oppose pas au changement d'usage ou, à défaut, fournir l' accord de la copropriété.  Un numéro d'enregistrement, à faire figurer sur les annonces de location, lui est également attribué.

Attention !  Même si toutes ces obligations sont respectées, le propriétaire loueur en meublé touristique n'est pas à l'abri de poursuites individuelles d'autres copropriétaires pour trouble de jouissance ou trouble anormal de voisinage (en ce sens cour d'appel de Paris n° 15,18917 du 15 JUIN 2016).  

(1) art l 631-7 du code de la construction et de l'habitation et article 3 du règlement municipal relatif au changement d'usage.  La compensation consiste à transformer des surfaces commerciales en logements.




Monday, 5 February 2018


A few simple facts reveal the reasons for the catastrophic state in which French pupils  find themselves when leaving school.

1)  Since 1982  52 Ministers or junior Ministers have served in the Ministery of Education.  For their posterity they all wanted to leave a trace of their period of service.   This led to a series of corrections by later ministers and mayhem everywhere !

2) Every year since 1982 a rising percentage of pupils obtained the baccalaureat which qualified them to go to University.  Last year 87% achieved this grade : the ultimate aim was to attain 100 % !

3)  Due to the limited number of places available for certain courses of study, a selection based on a drawing of lots was introduced without any  reference to the individual results of candidates !

President Macron is determined to put an end to this blind and inequitable method.  The results of the pupils will in future be taken into account. 
The consequence of not taking into account the results of individual candidates was that far too many students failed their first or second year exams at University and then left without any qualifications !

These young people were in fact misled by the system !
There are many manual and non-manual trades and professions which require admirable qualities, but which are different from those required to study in  Universities.



Thursday, 1 February 2018


Bubbles of discontent have burst open all over France during the month of January 2018.   Typical  examples are -

  -  Strikes by Hospital Workers, Doctors and Nurses,
  -  Strikes by prison warders, due to understaffing and to overcrowded prison cells,
  -  Soft Justice and the questionable Remissions of sentences,
  -  No real Policy for unwanted and costly  Immigrants, Refugees and Migrants.
France like all EU Countries suffers  locally when EU Leaders fail to update basic and "sacred" principles enshrined in EU Treaties !  

The perfect example is the Death Penalty which was abolished.   This now permits Terrorists to plan the slaughter of countless citizens and to live a long life in prison thereafter AND at the expense of grieving taxpayers !

Similarly, due to the absence of water-tight entry controles, external EU borders can be penetrated by illegal immigrants. 

EU Leaders can expect Macron to raise awkward questions and to force a change in old EU habits !

To get elected Macron vowed he would change France.   This is not easy,  because preceding French Presidents preferred to avoid 50 - 50 decisions !    It already explains partly why  recently he suffered a dip in Popularity Polls.
