Thursday, 28 June 2018


The simple fact that Prisons in Britain have been overcrowded for many years and still are, has again provoked discussions.   Together with a few statistics to justify the envisaged solutions, Ministers seem to want the "early release" of short-term criminals !

The obvious long term solution would be to order the building of several new "state of the arts" Prisons in outlying areas, to house dangerous criminals in solitary confinement !  Should "Gang Leaders" or "Terrorists" be allowed to mingle with "small-time civil criminals" ?

Is ordering the "early release" of Prisoners acceptable legally and morally ?   It changes the punishment of the criminal which the Judge  deemed necessary for the criminal and for the security of the Public !  Imprisonment is meant to be a déterrent !

Instead of a stop-gap solution a serious long term plan for new prisons is needed !   It would certainly be a Vote catcher in an Election !




Monday, 25 June 2018

WORLD CUP : ENGLAND WIN 6 - 1, but.....?

The whole of England is overjoyed by the way their team slaughtered Panama 6 - 1 to qualify for the Quarter Finals of the FIFA World Cup !  The reactions are totally different from those after the first match painfully won at the last gasp against Tunisia ! (1)

However, England's jubilation should be judged in its context.  This is the first time that Panama has qualified for the Finals (at the expense of the USA !) of the FIFA World Cup !   England has a population of 53 million and Panama has only 4 million !  The expertise of the English players was clearly visible during the game.

Panama scored their first World Cup goal in the game against England.  And no English Team before had ever scored more than 4 goals in any Game, even in 1966 when England won the World Cup !

When England encounter more experienced teams later, like Brazil for example, we shall quickly know how good the English players really are !

(1) Read the article : "World Cup : Lucky England beat Tunisia".

Wednesday, 20 June 2018


Le Président Macron a sèchement et très justement recadré un jeune adolescent qui, lors des cérémonies commémoratives du 18 juin, l'avait interpellé en lançant "Ca va Manu ?".
Un recadrage qui, à coup sûr, va conforter sa popularité !

On se souvient que François Bayrou avait vu sa cote remonter après avoir giflé un jeune qui, en lui faisant les poches, tentait de lui dérober son portefeuille.


Tuesday, 19 June 2018


The statistics of the World Cup game reveal England had possession of the ball during 60% of the game against Tunisia, but only had 16 shots at Goal of which 7 were on target !

This reflects a game in which all the top English stars were pre-occupied with "possession football" on or around the half-way line : they were "pussy-footing" the ball to each other !   Why ?  Were they terrified by the Tunisien tactics, "Get the man if not the ball" ?

To earn a real chance to shoot at goal, players must be nearer the oponents penalty area, not on the half-way line !

Luckily a header by Kane in the 91st minute was the winning goal, but different and more attacking tactics are needed for at least the next two games !


Monday, 18 June 2018


The arduous voyage of the "Aquarius" full of migrants, has highlighted the incapacity of EU countries and their Leaders, to co-ordinate their response when faced with an immigration crisis ! 

Each EU Member Country seems to have its own policies and conditions to determine who might qualify and be accepted as an immigrant or temporary visitor.  At present there is no "standard EU definition" and likewise there are no centralised controls "by the EU" of its "Open Frontiers" with non-EU countries !

Each country therefore applies its own "selective" immigration Policy, to choose who can or not enter, to stay on a long or short term basis.  The sporadic action   by Brussels to allocate huge overflows of desperate refugees to EU member countries, is resented and  resisted.

How and Where should Migrants register before embarking on a boat to come to the EU ?

When will the EU decide to monitor ALL the Frontiers and Coasts of the EU ?

Should this not be a "total-wide" EU responsibility with the total cost being shared by all EU country Members ?

When will there be reports that "Migrant smugglers" have been been arrested, even before their ships had left for the EU ?
Will this questions find an answer in the orientations Macron has launched with the agreement of the new Italian Prime Minister?
BUT how can Macron achieve his aims without coherent EU Laws and without serious EU "Frontier Controls"....

It is high time that all the 28 Leaders of the EU Countries coherently examine the "Problem of Migration" .  Failure to do this will sooner or later lead to further "EXITS" by countries dissatisfied with the European Union !


Saturday, 9 June 2018


Lors de leur Assemblée Générale, les copropriétaires devaient se prononcer :

- d'une part, sur la vente de combles annexés illégalement et en catimini par un copropriétaire afin d'étendre la superficie d'un studio destiné à la location. La majorité requise pour autoriser la vente était la double majorité de l'article 26 de la loi du 10 juillet 1965 : majorité de tous les copropriétaires totalisant au moins les 2/3 des voix de l'ensemble ;
- d'autre part, en cas de refus de vente, sur l'obligation pour le copropriétaire de restituer les combles à la copropriété ; la majorité requise étant alors celle de l'article 25, c'est à dire la majorité des voix de tous les copropriétaires (la moitié plus une voix).

La majorité de 66 pour cent des copropriétaires requise par la loi du 10 juillet 1965 n'étant pas réunie, la cession des combles ne pouvait donc qu'être refusée.

 La remise en état des combles et leur restitution à la copropriété auraient dû en toute logique s'ensuivre. Toutefois compte tenu des abstentions, une majorité de copropriétaires exigeant la restitution des combles n'a pu être réunie.
On aboutit donc à une situation rocambolesque puisqu'un copropriétaire continue d'occuper illégalement une partie commune avec "la bénédiction de l'AG".

N'est il pas contraire au droit de la copropriété de se servir d'une surface appartenant à la copropriété, d'en faire un usage personnel et encore plus, d'en tirer des revenus locatifs ?

A n'en pas douter, ces copropriétaires veilleront à se prononcer lors de leur prochaine l'Assemblée Générale annuelle conformément à leur réelle volonté.

                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                                                       .

Thursday, 7 June 2018


Avec les commandes passées sur internet, le volume des colis déposés à la loge est en pleine croissance.  

Aussi un avenant n°94 du 29 mai 2017 à la convention collective des concierges et employés d'immeuble, limite les obligations des concierges et gardiens en matière de réception des colis.  

Les dispositions suivantes s'appliqueront après publication au Journal Officiel de l'arrêté d'extension de l'avenant n°94.

Qu'il s'agisse du courrier service réduit, service normal ou porté, les concierges et gardiens d'immeubles ne seront plus tenus de réceptionner :

- les courriers et colis qui nécessitent une signature, 

- les colis lourds et/ou volumineux : colis de plus de 30 kg et/ou dont la somme des côtés (longueur plus largeur et hauteur) est supérieur à 200 cm.

Bien entendu, il ne s'agit pas là d'une interdiction de réceptionner ces colis pour le compte d'un propriétaire ou d'un locataire !  Les concierges et gardiens peuvent continuer à rendre service aux occupants de l'immeuble.

Quant aux autres colis, les concierges et gardiens restent tenus de les réceptionner et, dans le cadre du service "courrier porté", de les distribuer à leurs destinataires.



Wednesday, 6 June 2018


European citizens are faced with several types of insecurity  on a daily basis.   After each occasion the question then is : "Who is doing What to stop this ?".    If ever an answer to such a question is provided, it is seldom really convincing !
To ensure proper security, action is required on a National basis but in some cases on an International basis as well.   Criminals, Gangsters or Terrorists do not always confine themselves to their home territories.  

The mounting increase of insecurity in Europe really means that punishment levels no longer deter criminals. Particularly when they work in organised Gangs, hooded and armed with guns, attacking Banks or reselling imported Drugs, criminals stop at nothing !

Every member of a gang should be sought and "soft justice" cannot be accepted for any reasons, even if secure prisons must be built for the confinement of inmates in solitary confinement !  This must become the Policy in Europe.

Finally, is there an MEP in the EU who could propose such a Policy ?



Monday, 4 June 2018


Georges Clemenceau qui aimait beaucoup les fonctionnaires a dit :
·        « Une administration est un endroit où ceux qui arrivent en retard croisent ceux qui partent en avance »
·        Et un jour où il visitait une administration avec un de ses ministres il dit : « Parlons bas, nous pourrions les réveiller »
Coluche et lui avait un point commun…

Saturday, 2 June 2018


Contrary to all Press Reports that the Italian economy is facing very serious problems, Jean-Claude Juncker (the President of the EU Commission) denies that the EUROZONE is very worried by the current events in Italy.

Very briefly, Italy at present has high unemployment, is trading at a loss and has rising debts.   Furthermore, there is internal polititical instability in Italy.  The fact that Italy has the EURO as its currency, means it cannot simply decide to depreciate its currency to "balance its books" !  

Italy will be obliged to accept the "medicine" which the EUROZONE will prescribe to balance its books AND to protect the EURO, which all other Eurozone countries also use !  Italy cannot therefore adopt a solution alone. 

There is no "rapid and simple solution" .   Time and patience are required and the pain of high costs must be expected ! 



Friday, 1 June 2018


The on-going World Football Cup results normally provoke a cascade of replacements of Trainers.  As soon as Countries realise they cannot win the World Cup, they often want to replace the Trainer in charge of their team !

There are 32 teams in the World Football Cup Finals which start in Russsia on June 14, 2018.

It seems everyone has jumped to the conclusion that France will not win the Cup.  Press articles are lauding the results which Zinedine Zidane has achieved during his three years as Manager of Real Madrid after he suddenly resigned.  Some  even wonder if he wants the  Manager/Coach job of the French National team !

This is, to say the very least, very disconcerting for Didier Deschamps, the current Coach ! One should realise that training an ever changing group of players for occasional International Team competitions, is totally different from preparing the same players every week for league duty !  

A different style of "Man Management" is required !
