Monday, 23 July 2018


Ecouté ce matin l'audition de Gerard Collomb à l'Assemblée Nationale sur l'affaire Benalla.

Impression d'écoeurement.

Le Ministre de l'Intérieur ne connaissait pas Monsieur Benalla !  Il ne savait pas que Monsieur Benalla était conseiller du Président !

Et pourtant chacun a pu voir les photos de Benalla au ski avec Macron, au tennis avec Macron, à bicyclette avec Macron, à Giverny avec Macron, au Panthéon lors de l'hommage à Simone Veil et enfin avec les Bleus...

Que nos Députés, de droite comme de gauche, ne lâchent rien et que la lumière soit faite sur le rôle de Monsieur Benalla et des liens qui l'unissaient au Président de la République !



Friday, 20 July 2018


British commentators on the BREXIT negotiations always criticise the "messy" deal which Prime Minister May has obtained !   Sometimes one can doubt whether the aim of some Politicians is not to further their own future carreers later when the "mess" must be cleaned-up !

The alternative for a "Messy Brexit" is in fact the "Messy EU" !   The EU Treaties must be updated to provide SECURITY for EU citizens, who are faced with rampant immigration due to uncontrolled EU frontieres and mounting Terrorist attacks !   On many of these issues  there is no "UNION" in the EU !  The negotiations of all  points will take time.

The BREXIT cost for Britain to liberate itself of all EU obligations hides the pain which all the  remaining EU country members will suffer !  A severe contraction of EU personnel numbers  must take place !

Other "EXITS" can also be expected.   They will be complex for countries which are in the EUROZONE but easier for others which have their own currency like Britain !

Advocates who want Britain to remain in the EU should seriously calculate and justify the value of staying !  



Wednesday, 18 July 2018


Western political observers of Putin know full well that he "always" systematically denies that "he or Russia" is  guilty of any alleged criminal accusation without the formal presentation of the evidence !

Without this evidence Putin cannot verify anything, to  deny or prove the contrary of any allegation ! 

Keen observers were astonished by the declaration of President Trump after his meeting with President Putin, that Russia did not interfere in the USA Presidential Election in 2016 !    

Trump's lame excuse, to reverse what he had said, is nothing else but an admission that he was not properly prepared to meet Putin !    Simply it was again another display of his lack of the basic principles of diplomacy !


Thursday, 12 July 2018


After having scored a quick goal in the 5th minute, ENGLAND finally lost this semi-final match against CROATIA 2-1 !   It was a painful experience !

England had dominated the first half hour of the match and supporters fully expected England to be leading by two goals at half-time !  Alas most realistic attempts to score went "over the bar" ! 

After half-time the game changed !  Croatia attacked but England's game plan "seemed" to be to defend solidly.   Then the  game turned into a dog-fight, reminiscent of some of the end-of-season relegation battles which can regularly be seen in England and elsewhere !

Did the cream of the top English professionals playing yesterday against Croatia not know how to change their game-plan ?  Did they only drink a cup of tea at half-time ?

How could they expect to score a second goal when passing the ball 30/40 yards backwards ?  Should there not have been at least two players permanently parked up-front, as targets for long balls out of defence ?   A second English goal was always crucially lacking, but finally it was Croatia which managed to score twice !



Saturday, 7 July 2018


Merkel clearly has only one burning obsession : to keep her old job as Chancellor of Germany !

As expected, it appears that she has again been obliged to make concessions to her latest Coalition Partners, this time concerning the treatment of Immigrants !  But, once again there is no news about any plans to increase external frontier controls of the EU or controls on the German Borders with other EU countries !

Merkel's only priority is Germany and its trading interests  :  after that the next top priority is the EUROZONE !  There Germany has also heavily invested to protect the EURO.

If Merkel is obliged to observe the conditions of her Coalition Partners she cannot back different rules which EU Countries may want to introduce.

How can the EU survive without changing current outdated rules ?
1) - Are "open external EU Frontiers" still justified ?   Should EU-wide controls on land and at sea not become a shared responsibility (EU + local country) ?
2) - Should an organised EU anti-Terrorist Army not be created to protect EU citizens ?  
3) - Should all and any EU countries only accept "Immigrants" on a "selective" basis on arrival, but only if prior permission has already been requested  and obtained ?

If nothing in the EU changes it is doomed !  That could be a costly experience even for Germany !
