Saturday, 10 August 2019


EU Guideline legislation seems to be necessary (in the absence of local National Legislation) to halt the abuse of the pavement rights of non-motorised pedestrians !

Progressively during the last 20 years "electric scooters", motorised bicycles, motorbikes, etc. conveniently adopt pavements to avoid traffic jams or "one-way" streets !  Likewise pavements are often used for parking purposes much to the irritation of Invalides or Parents with prams !

One must also point out that less policemen are seen on their Beats.  They may be overworked, but some are now also following "crime in action (e.g. speeding)" on their computers.   It is true car owners are regularly fined for speeding or parking offences, but this has not at all deterred Motorbike crimes ?

To deter Motorbikers the only sure way would be to confiscate their bikes on the spot each and every time they are caught !

Futhermore, it is the MEPs in the EU Parliament who must prepare a draft of the EU Legislation to ensure that  national laws in the EU are similar.   For a long time National MPs have been reluctant to launch such legislation because it risks being a vote loser !

Simply said, action is required !


Thursday, 8 August 2019


In France every potential criminal fully understands why there is a Policy of soft justice.  Prisons are simply overcrowded ! As a result, some convicts are gniven a "second" chance instead of serving prison sentence !  

This has been the practice during the last 20 years and the security of citizens in France has been undermined.

1   No new high security Prisons have been built to house dangerous criminals or those needing solitary confinement. 
2   Criminals of all levels of danger mix in overcrowded cells. 
3   In fact, "Soft Justice" does not deter Criminals from breaking the Law.  They are prepared to run the risk of not being caught or punished. 

Further consequences are easy to imagine, but they must be addressed :

   -  The Police are understaffed
   - Criminals escape prosecutions
   - Citizens (and their children) are in 

President Macron must act quickly to ensure that Gangsters, Drug dealers, Hooded Rioters and Thugs who attack banks and destroy shops, are rounded-up and severely punished.

After the riots yesterday in Paris, Law and order must be restored, but urgently !      

Should the Army not have been on stand-by to help the Police ? 



Monday, 5 August 2019


Daily there are reports of RIOTS in Hong Kong (HK), but also of heavy-handed attempts to restore calm in HK by forces sent by the Chinese Government in Peking !

Peking considers that the local Police Force in HK is incapable of restoring Order !   BUT also, Peking wants to imprison HK offenders in China, not locally in HK !   

One could say such action does not respect the spirit of the conditions in the 1997 Agreement where the intention clearly is that HK would remain Independent and only become totally Chinese in 2047 !   China now seems to be trying to force changes much earlier.

                              *      *      *
There are many British Citizens still in HK and some   have never lived elsewhere, but will they all want to remain after 2047 ?   Are there any plans ready to help them to migrate elsewhere ?

There is currently a population explosion in Asia, particularly in China and China is already happy to encourage its surplus subjects to emigrate !    BUT it will NOT want to lose experienced businessmen !  Finally, would China ever help anyone to realise personal assets before leaving ?   

Would Australia and others in the British Commonwealth be prepared to accept HK Immigrants on a "Selective basis" ?   Would they not help active Businessmen to "relocate" ? 

Britain should set a long-term plan in motion.  China is ruthless and it will do anything to become the Master of HK tomorrow rather than patiently wait until 2047 !
