Friday, 23 July 2021


The current Covid pandemic is reappearing all over the World with new small variations, since it first appeared in China in 2019.  
It would seem that the increase in the World Population during the last 100 years (2 Billion in 1920, 7.8 Billion in 2020), the vast increase in tourists and business ventures using accelerated transportation means, (Trains, Cars, Aircraft,...)  has resulted in the current ongoing crisis.
To control this "Crisis", but not to solve it completely, it seems evident that something like a "Health Passport" must be introduced internationally and which officially records all the Covid vaccinations of the Passport Holder.   Which worldwide organisation should undertake this task ?
This "Health Passport" must be coupled with its "Travel Passport", probably for the remaining life of its Holder !   It seems evident already that other "Covids" await us in the future !  Likewise the option of not wanting an anti-Covid injection must be legally cancelled !
Finally, if in future the world population continues to increase, more and different problems will arise !  This is perhaps the moment to decide what other measures may be needed in the not too distant Future !