Wednesday 9 February 2011


Judge Trigger has again vented his feelings of utter frustration in court and again risks reprimands from his superiors !!! The faceless Sentencing Guidelines Council and the Lord Chancellor in fact tell him to avoid sending criminals to prison for short term sentences, even if they are repetitive offenders !!!

The Justice Secretary, Kenneth Clark, cannot justify continuing the same policies so lamentally used by the Socialists. Bigger prisons must be built, criminals must be deterred from reoffending and the public must be protected. Taxpayers and others have a right to expect the application of the laws which have been voted.

Bending over backwards in order to be seen applying the Human Rights Act with respect to criminals is ludicrous when they in fact infringe the human rights of their victims. Originally the aims of the Human Rights Act was to protect citizens in countries where there were few human rights.

If Judge Trigger is again reprimanded the Justice Secretary, Kenneth Clark, must clearly explain to the electorate how he and the Conservative Government expect Judges to perform their duties; how are they expected to protect the public and efficiently control and deter crime and criminals.

Mr Clark, to prevent Judges from sentencing criminals is like aiding and abetting criminals after their crime. This happens frequently in totalitarian countries and sometimes in other countries as well !!!

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