Thursday 10 March 2011


Almost every day one sees articles in the press about Judges who are crying out loud for help when faced with louts, layabouts and small time criminals who cannot be punished because there is no room in prisons !!!

These small time criminals will become big time criminals if they are not stopped in their tracks with a sentence that makes them sit-up !!!

The conservatives and David Cameron could win millions of votes right across the whole electorate if security becomes a major objective of this Government. For this to happen more prisons are required as well as tougher laws to help judges. Recidivists must be targeted and social benefits must be withdrawn in any new legislation. Only in this way will these petty criminals realize that crime does not pay if they are caught !!!

If this infringes "human rights" then the E U Human Rights lobby must explain who has lost his rights: the criminal or his victim ? British MEP's must fight the E U over this issue and others. Were they not elected to protect British interests ?

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