Saturday, 26 March 2011


The right to strike is universally recognised and Trade Unions jealously protect the right they have to call strikes.  However, when strikes are called or organized, stewards are required to ensure that processions and demonstrations are orderly.

When orderly Strikes turn into Riots, like today in London, because they have been infiltrated by extreemists who have only one objective, i.e. to smash property, shops or factory premises, even the very the tools of employed workers, the police and the law must intervene.

Alas, it is not only in Britain where hooded rioters have wraught havoc much to the consternation of right thinking citizens.

Brazen rioters who wear hoods should be punished with severe prison sentences. In principle hoods should not be allowed in processions.  Protective headgear against unfavourable weather should exclude hoods which prevent the identification of the wearer.

The issue here is not protecting the Human Rights of Rioters !!!  The issue here is to protect and ensure the right of workers or even electors to voice their opinions. The Human Rights of a Rioter can  be judged in a Court of Law.

This is an issue where Trade Union representatives should have a meeting with representatives of the Government and the Police (and perhaps other people) to hammer out an agreed policy so that strikes serve a purpose and that Rioters with hoods do not provoke havoc. 

Should David Cameron not urge Kenneth Clark, the Lord Chancellor, to pursue this matter and head up a commission ?

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