The EUROZONE BANDWAGON is on a high and will not slow down to listen to any opposition !!! They have flouted basic principles in the past when dealing with EU problems and will do the same with the current creation of the EUROZONE.
David CAMERON defended Britain and the POUND STERLING by using the VETO in accordance with the rights prescribed by the Treaty of LISBON !!! He was not prepared to sign away British rights in exchange for a hastily prepared "idea of a Eurozone treaty" designed in fact, to solve the problems of the EURO.
Time is of the essence and a quick fix, sorry, solution, to the EURO problem must be found.
The basic principle which will be flouted next time by the politicians of all countries will be to avoid submitting anything to a vote by electors in any country, because this would waste time; what could be worse, if a country like Ireland could then, again, vote against something that is proposed !!!
One also gets the feeling that the end solution could be not to set-up the creation of the EUROZONE TREATY but a new EUROPEAN TREATY. In this treaty up to 26 countries (without BRITAIN) could take part if it cures the basic problems of the EURO.
In that way the EU TREATY of LISBON would become defunct, and BRITAIN would no longer be a stumbling block !!! At the present moment these things are still only half cooked !!!
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