Monday, 19 March 2012


There are 10 official candidates who can participate in the first round of voting on Sunday 22 April 2012.  The official electioneering to determine who will be the next President of France for the next five years will start on Thursday March 22.  As you know, some candidates have already been on the road for six months and more !!!

Opinion Polls have clearly identified two groups of candidates, - those with a real chance of becoming President, and the "No Hopers". 

Realistic Candidates:                                  POLLS

François Hollande             Socialist Party    27.5 %
President Sarkozy                Centre Right       27.5
Marine Le Pen                    National Front    17.5
François Bayrou                Democrat            13.0
Jean-Luc Mélenchon         Exteme Left        11.0
                                                                                         sub-total    96.5 %
Total Other Candidates                                   3.5 %

Eva Joly                               The Greens
Nathalie Arthaud                 Workers Struggle                                                                                                                                                               Dupont
Dupont-Aignan                    Against the EU            
Philippe Poutou                  Anti Capitalist               
Jacques Cheminade           Independent                  
The percentage indicated for each candidate reflects their approximate share of poll votes.  These can vary and frequently do. 

From news reports you are probably aware that a man  shot four Jews, including a teacher and his two children, in a Jewish school early this morning (March 19) in Toulouse.  With the same gun he last week shot three soldiers, two Muslims and a black man !!!  Emotions are running high in France and people are indignant that this could happen. Two hundred specialized police are engaged on the case in order to capture this man.

All the candidates have therefore decided to cancel all their political engagements until Wednesday evening, March 21.


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